Galley thru Side Door - Web Large

Galley thru Side Door - Web Large

Thu Feb 06, 2014 12:05 pm


Sat Jan 01, 2000 12:02 am
6.3 mm
1/400 Sec
Flash fired, compulsory flash mode
Normal program
0 EV
Center-weighted average
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Joined: Sun May 12, 2013 12:17 pm
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Here is a shot through the side door at the galley (sorry for the mess, I did not clean up first). the small stove and sink worked fantastic! it is difficult to see, but in the far (street side lower cabinet, sets a 5-gallon that I plumbed into a hand-pump sink faucet. The lip on the front of the cabinets easily held all baskets in place ... I may re-think adding cabinet doors as they were not needed_yet.

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