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LCGVII...Fri nite feed and other stuff......

PostPosted: Tue Oct 02, 2012 1:25 pm
by madjack
Hi All!!!!! sorry I haven't been around for a while BUT the stress levels of the past 9mos have just left me drained for doing much else...

Eddie#s contacted me and asked about the gumbo on Fri, and offering to cook it up AND bring all the gear to do so if I would post an ingredient here it is...

15#s boneless, skinless chicken breasts...= 5 lbs spinnernut , 5 lbs Nobody, 5lbs Starleen2,

15#s smoked sausage...various brands are OK, a Cajun version would be better = 5 lbs mechmagcn

...3#s of tasso = Caseydog

10#s of chopped (fresh/frozen) Okra...or combination thereof...................... = Oklahomajewel/hikrynut

10-15#s of white or yellow onions......= Warpony

4-6 LARGE green bell peppers..........= Loader

2-3 bunches of celery.........= Loader

32 oz jar of chopped garlic = Honeask

10-12 bunches of green onions= Bc Toys

10#s long grain rice = Pam and Bob bertrand

...please pick a portion of the ingredients to bring and post it here so we know who is bringing what and PLEASE chop/cube all ingredients beforehand and have them at the party site(#38) by early afternoon on Fri...once again, I'll supply the roux and other herbs and seasonings...since Eddie is a reborn coon-ass and I will be assisting, this should be smack yo mama good...AAIIIEEEEEE

...because I haven't kept up, I haven't talked to anyone about logos, t-shirts, awards, name tags or anything else...I apologize for this. I'm afraid Marlene and my health issues have pushed most all else off'n the stove(by several orders of magnitude)...

...A REMINDER...extra tables will be needed around the party site, so, if ya got any, bring 'em... parties, wine tastings and margaritas will be upto the usual suspects to plan and execute if wanted...
...Jack-O-Lantern carving is HIGHLY suggested for the festivities but, since I haven't planned for or talked to anyone about awards, they will be for the "ambiance" of the party...
...Sat nite is the potluck...most of y'all have been to enough of these diff gatherings and should know what to bring...doancha...
...we will not havvta worry about a fire ban this year(yayyippeyahooo) and since they have been logging around the campground, firewood should not be a problem.......

Marlene and I are both looking so forward to this and just sitting around the deck and campfire, trying our best to just forget about insurance companies, medical bureaucracies and all the rest of this past year and just enjoy the woods and friends...see ya there..AAIIIEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!
madjack 8)

Re: LCGVII...Fri nite feed and other stuff......

PostPosted: Tue Oct 02, 2012 1:34 pm
by caseydog
I am planning to make some tasso for this year's gumbo, so consider that done.


Re: LCGVII...Fri nite feed and other stuff......

PostPosted: Tue Oct 02, 2012 1:56 pm
by honeask
I"ll bring the garlic.

Re: LCGVII...Fri nite feed and other stuff......

PostPosted: Tue Oct 02, 2012 5:25 pm
by spinnernut
put me down for five pounds of yard bird :twisted:

Re: LCGVII...Fri nite feed and other stuff......

PostPosted: Tue Oct 02, 2012 5:27 pm
by bc toys
I'll bring green onions and I have a table, can't wait to go

Re: LCGVII...Fri nite feed and other stuff......

PostPosted: Tue Oct 02, 2012 6:09 pm
by Loader
We'll bring the green peppers and celery.

I will also volunteer to stand around drinking a cold beer while shooting the breeze with Eddie and Jack as they cook up this great meal!

Re: LCGVII...Fri nite feed and other stuff......

PostPosted: Tue Oct 02, 2012 6:17 pm
by mechmagcn
I'll bring 5lbs of cajun smoked sausage and help with any prep that is needed for the gumbo :D

Re: LCGVII...Fri nite feed and other stuff......

PostPosted: Wed Oct 03, 2012 9:10 am
by Nobody
spinnernut wrote:put me down for five pounds of yard bird :twisted:

I'll bring another 5# :thumbsup:

Re: LCGVII...Fri nite feed and other stuff......

PostPosted: Wed Oct 03, 2012 10:34 am
by Pam & Bob Bertrand
Count on us for rice cooker and rice.

Re: LCGVII...Fri nite feed and other stuff......

PostPosted: Thu Oct 04, 2012 6:09 pm
by WarPony
I'm in for the onions!!! All of them!!!


Re: LCGVII...Fri nite feed and other stuff......

PostPosted: Sat Oct 06, 2012 4:21 pm
by hikrynut
The Jewel and I will bring the okra and a table!

Re: LCGVII...Fri nite feed and other stuff......

PostPosted: Sat Oct 06, 2012 10:21 pm
by james worley
Ive got 6 tables i will bring . may need some help unloading them as i have had shoulder surgery .but i will be there.James

Re: LCGVII...Fri nite feed and other stuff......

PostPosted: Sat Oct 06, 2012 11:16 pm
by starleen2
put us down for 5 lbs of chicken. the new camper is almost ready

Re: LCGVII...Fri nite feed and other stuff......

PostPosted: Sun Oct 07, 2012 7:03 am
by honeask
Yay James, glad to hear it, you've been kinda quiet. Was wondering what you might be sleeping in :thinking: :thinking: . What day are you planning on arriving?

Re: LCGVII...Fri nite feed and other stuff......

PostPosted: Sun Oct 07, 2012 3:59 pm
by james worley
Hello Sandy!!! yes ive had a busy year . I havent built anything ,but i bought a 69 Serro Scotty last week i'm going to work on ,but im bringing it as is.