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Rusk Depot - Sept 18 Food!

PostPosted: Sun Sep 06, 2015 12:02 pm
by Cindy
Guess you all know that we will eat together on Saturday night for a pot luck - probably eat together Friday night too. Kind of what ever you want to do on Friday night.
Here is the food thread if you know what you want to bring. Otherwize, I'm pretty sure we will eat it or drink it what ever the case may be! :ok:

Re: Rusk Depot - Sept 18 Food!

PostPosted: Tue Sep 08, 2015 11:23 pm
by 2bits
Aside from the pot luck (I am still pondering)..

I was wondering what you guys were bringing for lunch since the train ride is an hour and a half each way, our lunchtime is gonna fall either during the stop over (which seems like kind of a waste since wandering might be more fun), or while riding to or from Palestine. I haven't made a sandwich in 30 years so I am looking for some interesting ideas since you can't grill on the train and I don't want to eat potato chips for lunch!

:Flippin Burger: :chips:

There's always... :stompspam:

Re: Rusk Depot - Sept 18 Food!

PostPosted: Tue Sep 08, 2015 11:36 pm
by capnTelescope
PB&J, Thomas. Even a kid can make that. Lunch of champions! :thumbsup: 8)

I'll whip up some Tony Chachere's dirty rice for pot luck. Leftovers make a fine breakfast burrito.