Health Problems

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Re: Health Problems

Postby 2bits » Fri Apr 28, 2017 9:51 am

Jack that is treat news on the surgery and reccovery!! Thanks for keeping us posted on how you are doing!

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Re: Health Problems

Postby madjack » Fri Apr 28, 2017 6:01 pm

Tom, surgery was on Mon...

I was in atrial fibulation...they tried chemical de-fib yesterday and it worked with flipover occuring at heart rate is now a pleasing and constant 86bpm...maybe home today tomorrow for sure (hopefully)
madjack 8)

p.s. I forgot to submit this from hospital...I am now home 5days after took some chest bumping between my surgeon (generally regarded as one of best in La), the cardiologist for the hospital and my cardiologist'(on vacation) partner to get me here...I have personal relationship with my surgeon and as such he has a general knowledge about my financial situation and decided it was worth the risk to save me the cost of a couple days of acute skilled hospital stay and the tests and expense that would occur...right now, I love my surgeon..........mj
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Re: Health Problems

Postby Nobody » Fri Apr 28, 2017 7:15 pm

Wonderful news MJ! Glad to hear you're doing well enough to be home. Sometimes getting docs to understand one's financial situation may be a real problem. I'm confident you'll improve daily & be back on your feet (for real) in a flash. I'm beginning to think I might survive this little episode & I ain't got nearly the potential problem you do. See the surgeon for follow-up this coming Tuesday & should be released for normal activity. Lenora has asked every day if I have any news from you. Had to go tell her before I finished this post that you were OK. We' still keep sending prayers your way. Never hurts & might even help a little bit, even from an old reprobate like me...
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Re: Health Problems

Postby Nobody » Tue May 02, 2017 7:14 pm

MJ, still sending prayers your way for your speedy & complete recovery. I had my follow-up visit with the surgeon today re my laparoscopy gall bladder removal. He said I have healed up nicely & released me from all restrictions on lifting & weight limitations, so I can mow my yard. Man, it's getting wooly! I got out this afternoon & picked up most of the twigs/leaves that blew off the big oak tree in our front yard when we had storms a few nights ago. Almost got too hot but I got 'er done. Now if I can get most of the mowing done before the rain showers start tomorrow. I knew I'd lost a lot of strength & some weight but picking up this afternoon nearly 'wore me out'. Had to hit the recliner & rest for an hour afterwards before we could get supper. Gonna take a while & a lot of walking to get back into 'shape' I'm afraid.

Be well, keep a good attitude (I know you will) & we'll keep the prayers lifted up.
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Re: Health Problems

Postby madjack » Tue May 02, 2017 8:20 pm

Harvey this is fantastic news!!!!!! I am slowly getting better and have mucho rehab to just all takes more time than we want to give it...I pick up APAP machine tomorrow and next week will get remainder of stitches removed and the week after, start driving again (Marlene will love that)...lot of walking in my near future.....

My Mother has good news in regards to her pancreatic cancer...while in advanced stages and basically inoperable, it seems MD Anderson along with John Hopkins have come up with a procedure they have been doing for 5yrs that inserts wires into the tumor, induces an electric current and causes the tumor to go dormant, along with chemo to prevent metastazing, she can probably double the life span she has left (2yrs orso)...this will allow her to add to the sum knowledge of this procedure helping others in the process, something which would appeal to her...the problem is she will havvta move across country to Hollywood Fl...luckily, she has a sister in the area...

Take care and we will hopefully see you and Lenora soon...........

madjack 8)
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Re: Health Problems

Postby Shadow Catcher » Wed May 03, 2017 6:21 pm

Sounds like a very good outcome :D
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Re: Health Problems

Postby pchast » Wed May 03, 2017 8:16 pm

Congratulations on the current improvements.
I pray the trend continues.
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Re: Health Problems

Postby mikeschn » Thu May 04, 2017 2:50 am

Oh good, you're recovering! Glad to hear that's working out for you.

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Re: Health Problems

Postby Nobody » Mon May 08, 2017 9:43 am

Well, it's Monday morning & we're hoping MadJack is getting back to normal. Things're looking up somewhat around here. Was able to ride my lawn mower yesterday & get front & back yards mowed. Didn't do any weed eating/trimming as that's still beyond my capability. Was able to get to the park & walk only 1 day last week (rain or cold wind all other days) & still only able to do around 2 kilometers before I get too tired. Think it's gonna be a looong road getting my strength back. Only lost about 5lbs but not eating (or restricted intake because of the gallstones) resulted in a dramatic loss of strength & energy over a couple of weeks. I expect to get it back but it may take a while. Now if the docs can just figure out a solution for the lightheadedness I'll be in good shape. Still think they need to 'take a look' at a visual trigger as I'm still having trouble with my left eye since the cataract surgery in Feb 2016. I see the opthalmologist next month & if he says again that he's never seen anything like that, I'm gonna ask him to refer me to someone else... As someone else said, gettin' old ain't for sissies, but it sure beats the alternative.

Good luck MJ, & we're still sending up prayers for you. :thumbsup:
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Re: Health Problems

Postby madjack » Mon Jun 05, 2017 8:42 pm

...well it has been 6 wks today since my quad bypass surgery...I seem to be doing right as rain...I do have to be careful what I do yet as I can certainly feel it in my breast bone when I over do it...the docs say 6mos to somewhat normal and a year for complete healing...

My Mom came home today as well...she had been diagnosed with inoperable stage 3 pancreatic cancer...she has been down in Hollywood Fl undergoing an experimental procedure called irreversible electroporation (IRE for short)...the quac...err docs claim it will either "de-stage"the tumor or kill it completely...only time will tell if the procedure is successful...the doc, Dr Donoway is one of 3 docs in the country performing this procedure.

Thanks to one and all for the prayers and positive thoughts..........
madjack 8)
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Re: Health Problems

Postby 2bits » Mon Jun 05, 2017 9:54 pm

Thanks for the update MJ I am glad you are doing well and hope to see you making the rounds again and again for a long time. I hope the best with the procedure on you mom as well.

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Re: Health Problems

Postby Padilen » Mon Jun 05, 2017 9:54 pm

That was hard for me- not over doing it. I didn't have bypass- not really a heart issue. But I had a mass attached to my right ventricle. I had a great recovery, sounds like you are too. Mine was 1-2016, by April I was driving and working a few hours. Once you get driving you just get feeling better. And once you feel better the calendar is forgotten. Then one day you look at the date. Wow, it's been a year-completely healed.
Sorry about your mom, but I hope the treatment gives her more time.

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Re: Health Problems

Postby Nobody » Sun Jul 23, 2017 7:37 pm

Madjack, Hope your therapy has gone well. Still having problems with the dizziness & lightheadedness. I'm pretty discouraged as nuthin' seems to help. I ain't giving up tho. Sorry to read the posts about Spike. Keep the faith & stay in touch...
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Re: Health Problems

Postby Atomic77 » Sun Jul 23, 2017 9:21 pm

madjack wrote:..not a good week around mj's pond...

I can sure relate. Just know that you're in my prayers for sure. Lot's of people have been praying for me since I found out I have cancer. So, you are in my thoughts and in my prayers for you and your family...

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Re: Health Problems

Postby 2bits » Tue Aug 29, 2017 9:08 pm

MJ do you think you might be up to some coon ass camping in your neck of the woods come wintertime? 8)

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