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PostPosted: Sat Oct 01, 2005 5:58 pm
by Gage
Maybe I'll have Steve build me one and then I'll just be another good guy on the internet. :roll:

Have a good day.


PostPosted: Sun Oct 02, 2005 1:26 am
by bledsoe3
Dean in Eureka, CA wrote:Well Bledsoe,
I'll be there if I'm there... (Sounds like a Yogiism)

Sorry, I just couldn't resist. :rofl2:

P.S. What about my hat? Jim

PostPosted: Sun Oct 02, 2005 1:34 am
by Guest
The Teardrop Nanny says she still wants to go even if the tear isn't road worthy yet. Worse case... I'll take a weekend off of building and go to the gathering. I can bring your hat then, or if you want I can mail it to you sooner.

PostPosted: Mon Oct 10, 2005 3:36 pm
by The Teardrop Nanny
The TDN would go SST or TD... Besides, I really like the openess a SST offers :lol: When we went last year to the Dam gathering we were potential TD people. Now we're on the next level and rising.


PostPosted: Mon Oct 10, 2005 4:24 pm
by Guest
Hey Sweetie,
It's hard enough to swallow Doug's ribbings.
Please don't kick your man when he's down... :R
It will be done... and your garden gate too. :lol:

PostPosted: Mon Oct 10, 2005 9:39 pm
by Gage
Is this pick on Dean week :QM Boy have I got a lot. :lol: I better not though, some one will probably come in here and tell me to get back on topic. :o By the way, what was the topic :QM

Have a good day.

When I'm not stirring the pot, I'm taking notes.

PostPosted: Tue Oct 11, 2005 12:39 pm
by Guest
If you guys want to lambaste me, that's cool.
Just be sure to post a new thread in the Off Topic section... wouldn't want to stray off topic now would we? :lol:
Just be sure and give me your best shots... You guys picked the "perfect" week, let me tell you...

Here yaa go, I've even got a thread started...