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PostPosted: Wed Feb 01, 2012 7:10 pm
by Blotto Bros
Round 2 coming soon!

PostPosted: Wed Feb 01, 2012 7:14 pm
by Blotto Bros
Cripes!! $625 on stubhub already. :thumbdown:

PostPosted: Wed Feb 01, 2012 7:17 pm
by Wolffarmer
Damned scalpers.

I will not pay those prices for a ticket.



PostPosted: Wed Feb 01, 2012 7:26 pm
by Wolffarmer
And FleaBay links to Stubhub for about 25 tickets. Instead of an auction.

Whats with that? They now in cahoots


Well I got two tickets

PostPosted: Wed Feb 01, 2012 7:37 pm
by Guy
Just heard that I am the proud recipient of two tix. Get rid of this palsy and head to the Playa to cap off a great summer which includes the Dam Gathering, Applegate Lake, the Birthday Bash, the IRG, Burning Man, and a coupla weeks in Jackson Hole.

PostPosted: Wed Feb 01, 2012 7:42 pm
by Wolffarmer
Grumble grumble


sorry, not in a good mood right now


PostPosted: Wed Feb 01, 2012 7:44 pm
by tupelosue
Neither did I! And michelle too. Shelly got a golden ticket!! We'll see how plan b works.

PostPosted: Wed Feb 01, 2012 7:58 pm
by Wolffarmer
I hope most people refuse to pay the scalpers. But I bet there will be enough that will pay that. I think we will soon see people crashing the fence to get in. The people that are just there for the parties and such.


PostPosted: Wed Feb 01, 2012 8:57 pm
by tupelosue
i will go thru the step 2 process and open sale, but i will not pay scalpers price. Hope they get stuck with 100 tickets and rot in h.....

randy, i'm in a pissy mood too, and going off the drink somewhere

:x :x :cry: :cry:

PostPosted: Wed Feb 08, 2012 3:50 pm
by Wolffarmer

Scalpers rot in HELL

Open them up and read the description.

Shall we make a vow not to pay over say 5% of face value. That is plenty to pay for postage.


An IMPORTANT message from Burning Man Founder

PostPosted: Fri Feb 10, 2012 1:57 pm
by Guy
So, Burners, this from Larry Harvey, BMorg director on what's happening...
Larry Harvey Says:
February 10th, 2012 at 10:24 am

Greetings Burners

As the director of the board, I am here to announce some important developments. First, the BLM has agreed to a modest augmentation in our permit. A 10% increase in the population cap. This means around 5,000 more tickets will be added to the pool. Good news. We will announce via the JRS as soon as the paper work is finalize and signed by both parties.

Second, the BM LLC has hired a team to analyse the lottery data set. The team’s task was to ascertain and report to the board the ratio of known burners vs first timers, newbies or virgins as you call them. They did this by comparing lottery winner names against the existing customer names in our sales and marketing database. If you purchased a ticket in any of the last eleven years, you are in our database. The team reported only 37.2% of the lottery sales went to existing or previous year’s customers. Yes, we are dumbfounded too. We suspect a substantial portion of the 62.8% first time winners are in fact speculators with no intent on attending the event. Unfortunately, we can not recall the lottery. But with this much uncertainty, we have decided to cancel the March sale. Instead, we will do our best to see the remaining tickets make it to key volunteers of major theme camps and art installations. Without these volunteers, our beloved BRC can not be built nor operated for the week.

I sincerely hope you understand,


PostPosted: Fri Feb 10, 2012 7:25 pm
by Blotto Bros
So, looks a lot like the scalpers win again! Likely the "good buddy" network will distribute the remaining tickets as well.

BOOOOOOOOOOO :thumbdown:

PostPosted: Fri Feb 10, 2012 7:31 pm
by Wolffarmer
Scalpers and a whole mess of virgins. After the great weather we had last year I kind of expected it to be rather popular but this is a bit much. Will be watching to see just how many of the tickets are in scalper's hands. I will not pay their prices, will let the RV crowd do that. And I hope they get a whole mess of tickets so BM will be rather sucky so not as many will return in 2013. WE just need to set back, chill out and see how it all comes out in the wash. BM has always been about change and they got a heaping load of it this time.


PostPosted: Fri Feb 10, 2012 7:38 pm
by Wolffarmer

Did you decide to try and make it this year?


PostPosted: Fri Feb 10, 2012 7:46 pm
by Blotto Bros
Yup, surgery is a go for the 15th and I had the vacation time locked in for BM........