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Re: Burningman 2011. Be there.

PostPosted: Sun Apr 22, 2012 7:21 pm
by tupelosue
Randy, I haven't had any luck in Round 2 of the BM ticket shenanigans, so have decided to pull the plug and quit plans for going. Shelly has decided to sell her ticket to Michelle. If you end up going, maybe you and Michelle can run Trailer Trash camp 2.

If I get wind of any other fix available, I'll let you know.


Re: Burningman 2011. Be there.

PostPosted: Sun Apr 22, 2012 7:31 pm
by Wolffarmer
I have pretty much stopped planning for BM this year. But as I can usually change my plans at nearly the last minute I would much appreciate it if you would keep me in mind if a ticket comes your way. I have been coming up with an idea for a mutant vehicle. ( will include coleman lanterns ) But will take a few years to build and get to BM so no plans for it this year. But I when I do go again I will be more of a participant than a spectator.
Remember people, a ticket to Burning Man is not a ticket to be a spectator. It is a ticket to participate.
Maybe next year the ticket mess will be fixed. And if BM sucks this year. ( though a sucky BM is better than no BM ) Maybe there will not be such a lot of new people wanting to go.
Look to the future, Maybe some of the local events. I am on the email list for the Idaho people. Even if it is pretty dead. Who knows what will happen.


Re: Burningman 2011. Be there.

PostPosted: Sun Jun 10, 2012 7:00 pm
by Wolffarmer
Well. Looks like getting a ticket to BM is a bust this year I have gotten a ticket to a regional event in Utah. ( I wonder what Utah burners are like )


At least tickets are much cheap, It is much closer. about 270 mile and google maps says it will take 3.5 hours. The way I drive I will probably take a lot of detours and take about 6 hours. I will miss seeing all the burners on the road. That was one thing about going to last years that I was not prepared for. The burners on the Interstate. I soon learned about the BM symbol on other peoples rigs but even though I had none of that, many burners passing me recognized me for what I am. It was like the ( what ever it is ) went on for hundreds of miles.


Re: Burningman 2011. Be there.

PostPosted: Sun Jun 10, 2012 9:11 pm
by tupelosue
Randy, I'm glad you're going to one of the Regional Burns. Let us know how it is!!

I did see those other pics of me in that photo thread. That guy must have been stalking me! :lol: :lol:

Too bad I can't make it, I now have a streak of purple in my hair!!

You could do color in your beard!

Get some pics of you in your tutu or chef's pants!

Re: Burningman 2011. Be there.

PostPosted: Thu Jun 14, 2012 10:06 pm
by doug hodder
Sue came by the store today with a friend on their way to Wisconsin on their scooters....I did notice the purple streak...thought it was from the dye in the fabric of the helmet so didn't say anything....but then realized that Shelly probably was to blame. :lol: Drive carefully Sue....have a safe trip and I'll see you at the IRG. Doug

Re: Burningman 2011. Be there.

PostPosted: Thu Jun 14, 2012 10:34 pm
by Betsey
tupelosue wrote:Too bad I can't make it, I now have a streak of purple in my hair!!


You are brave - coming into Packer territory sporting Viking purple! :shock:

It may be best to keep your helmet on at all times! :lol:

(And this from someone who has no interest in football!) :roll:

Safe travels!

Betsey 8)

Re: Burningman 2011. Be there.

PostPosted: Mon Jul 30, 2012 12:05 am
by Wolffarmer
Hey, Figured I had better make a report of the Element 11 burn. Only 2 weeks late.

It started on July 12. That day was hotter than hell as I drove across the salt flat heading east to Bonneville Seabase for the burn. No AC in my vehicle but trusty squirt bottle by my side. I found a place to camp. Pulled off the road so the galley of the tear was facing the road. This is important for what was to happen the next 3 days. The burn of course was much smaller than BM and the setting has permanent roads/trails. But covered with a bit of large gravel. Biking was not easy but not really needed and I did not dare to ride after dark as the rocks throw you around. The usual bunch of craziness happens of course. Friday a nice big storm came up and what it didn't blow down it drenched. I invited a couple in a tent over to use my trailer for cooking and soon there was about 6-8 people over there and in the camp next to me for supper that night.

AS my galley faced the road I received many complements by people just driving by. Also many people kept waving at me and saying "Hello Jerry". Many many many people walking by also complemented the tailer also. While I did not keep a tally I firmly believe I gave more tours to the trailer than we 3 did during all of BM last year. This is not an exaggeration. But keep chin up and show it off with a smile. I should have made some cards to hand out with the forum info on it.

Saturday night burned the main thingy and a few hours later burned a smaller structure. I heard there was a 3rd burn at 5 am. This I did not see.

All in all it was good burn and I feel I met lots more people at this one. Now if they will stop calling me Jerry Garcia.


Re: Burningman 2011. Be there.

PostPosted: Wed Aug 01, 2012 10:10 am
by Christina
Sue and Randy. I'm sorry that we will not be seeing you two at BM this year. I was able to get tickets and two other tickets for our teardropper neighbors, so the Sunflower and the Stargazers tears will be holding down the fort (and the dust). I will keep an eye out for any other tears.

Anyone else going?

Re: Burningman 2011. Be there.

PostPosted: Wed Aug 01, 2012 8:47 pm
by Wolffarmer
Good to hear you got tickets. Maybe next year for me. Have fun, leave no trace. I am not even going to try for the last round of tickets. I done my burning for the year.


Re: Burningman 2011. Be there.

PostPosted: Mon Aug 06, 2012 9:19 am
by Wolffarmer
I just got an email from BM and I have the opportunity to buy a ticket on the "Step" program. Oh my oh my. $390 and I am really really broke. Already did a regional burn and I am not officially retired, Just been put out to pasture.

:lol: :lol:

I would like to go to the Twain and Tears later in Sep............... decisions decisions.


Re: Burningman 2011. Be there.

PostPosted: Mon Aug 06, 2012 4:17 pm
by tupelosue
:D :D :D :D :D

Well, the Burningman gods have smiled down on me and granted me a ticket, so I do plan to be there!

(Randy, I also got the step program offer, but it was while i was off on my scooter ride and didn't' have the $400 to pay for it, so let it go)

Another Idaho teardropper, George Boyd, will be going for his first time, thanks to a ticket offer from Guy Mazzeo.

My plans on when/where are kind of in flux right now, but hope to be camped in the 3-6 o'clock neighborhood somewhere, arriving Monday I think.

Suddenly the month of august has taken on a frantic pace. Hope I have time to get my hair re-purpled!

The Man burns in 26 days!!

:vroom: :peace: :campfire: :cheerswine: :woohoo: :fan: :picklejuice: :icedtea:

Re: Burningman 2011. Be there.

PostPosted: Tue Aug 21, 2012 12:37 am
by tupelosue
Christina, any idea whereabouts you'll be camping? I remember you were sort of near us last year (but I can't remember where we were!!)
I have a friend who will be at Leopard Martini Lounge, 6:30 and C, so hope to be sort of near there.
We discovered a great musician last year, John Craigie, who will be performing at Center Camp thursday at 3, and Friday, 9 pm, at the Lost penguin. I hope to make at least one, or both, of those shows.

I plan to register at Playa info again as Trailer Trash Camp.

Hope to run across you somewhere this year. May be doing a mountain man breakfast again!!

Have a good one!! Hope it's not TOO dusty!

:peace: :peace: :campfire: :campfire: :peace: :peace:

Re: Burningman 2011. Be there.

PostPosted: Sun Aug 26, 2012 11:37 pm
by The Teardrop Nanny
sssoooo much funnnnnnn....... :FNP Have the best Burn ever!!! Keep me updated as I'll be thinking about you Grape-haired Girl!! xooxox Your TD Nanny :whistle: :shhh:
:lips: :yes:
Joanie :lady:

Re: Burningman 2011. Be there.

PostPosted: Tue Feb 05, 2013 3:36 pm
by Wolffarmer
Almost ticket buying time again. I am going to try for one this year. Also planning to do the Utah burn again. At least that one is cheap for me. Low ticket price and 2 tanks of gas.
