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PostPosted: Tue May 30, 2006 7:16 am
by Ira
GPW wrote:Sounds about as simple as a brick patio in the galley ... :roll:
alternative material even simulating tile (vinyl ) would be a better choice, and less weight ... :thinking: as an artist, we have made mosiacs out of discarded floor tile pieces , easy to work , and we got big money for it ... no grout , just cut the pieces to fit ... :D

Vinyl would make a pretty lousy material for a countertop if you don't use a cutting board!

PostPosted: Wed May 31, 2006 7:53 am
by GPW
Ira, Please excuse my thriftyness!!! (I blame my ancestors!!!) Since 98% of everything in our society is appearance,that and being an professional Artist for 36 years, I try to find a better (and cheaper ) way to do things , that look really cool , easily attach to a solid structure , and while being practical , won't break the bank .... Know what I mean ??? :)

a small decorative tile cutting board (you could splurge here !!!) that was moveable and not subject to vibration stress (like grout ) would be nice .... me , I get the cheap thin ones that roll up and dispose of easily when they get nasty , and only a couple bucks for three ... schmaybe' a little more practical, eh ??? :roll:

PostPosted: Wed May 31, 2006 8:11 am
by Ira
I went to HD to look at tiles, but I didn't see anything at all that really inspired me. You see, I don't have Steve's refined taste for Mediterranean influence--but if I did, I saw a few that would work.

But they didn't even have a regular selection of just plain colors in 4" by 4". I'll check Lowes, but I thought it was weird that I couldn't find a simple red tile that was 4" by 4".

Maybe I should go to a specialty tile place.

insert another countertop material instead of tile

PostPosted: Wed May 31, 2006 3:39 pm
by rbeemer
Instead of tile you might be able to find a piece of Corian or counter top[ material and mount from underneath, I know this means cutting a square or other shape in your counter top but this allows you to replace it when it gets worn. Also easier on the cutting instruments. I have very sharp knives and hate to see them get dulled by the tile.

Just my 2 cents :thinking: