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Wiley Window storage question

PostPosted: Sun Jul 10, 2016 7:16 pm
by TimC
I have my Wiley windows in and functioning, but, I need to get some ideas of how to "lock" them in place when trailering and camping. I'm currently using a couple clamps to keep the wedges in place while trailering. I'd like to come up with an easy to lock technique to hold the wedges so they don't fall out. Here's a couple photos to give you some ideas of what I'm looking at...

Closed in stored position

Open in use

And here's the clamps in the open position, however, I can't close the door while clamped. Any ideas would be great!


Re: Wiley Window storage question

PostPosted: Sun Jul 10, 2016 7:55 pm
by H.A.
Perhaps embedded into the wedges & frame rare earth magnets ?
But I would probably devise something of De-Sta-Co clamps of some style, or connect the 2 wedges with dowels spanning across the opening...

Re: Wiley Window storage question

PostPosted: Sun Jul 10, 2016 9:03 pm
by KennethW
Put a lip on the inside of the frame to lock the wedges in place.
Or a keyhole in the wedge and a screw in the frame.
I see no problem if you have screens. I have towed with the windows open without any problems.

Re: Wiley Window storage question

PostPosted: Sun Jul 10, 2016 10:14 pm
by KCStudly
What if you just line the edges of the wedges with some felt or a couple of those little self adhesive rubber pad feet? The friction and slight cushioning effect might just be enough to hold them in w/o having to resort to some other mechanical method that would require additional operations in use.

Re: Wiley Window storage question

PostPosted: Mon Jul 11, 2016 7:45 am
by daveesl77
KC is correct, but in reality I have found that just by tapping the wedges down just a bit they fully lock into place, whether closed or open. Adding rubber or felt would make it better, probably.


Re: Wiley Window storage question

PostPosted: Mon Jul 11, 2016 12:09 pm
by TimC
Thanks fellers! I like all those ideas. I think I might try the magnets first since I have some strong ones laying around that I think will work.