The rules ... of this Forum

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The rules ... of this Forum

Postby mikeschn » Tue Nov 22, 2005 8:34 pm

Teardrops & Tiny Travel Trailers
....................................Forum Rules...................................................
Here's the 3 rules of the forum... pretty simple actually...

Rule Number 1: ... Respect
We are polite, kind and appropriate at all times.

Rule Number 2: ... No fighting
You fight, we pull the thread, you keep fighting we pull you.
(See the Zero Tolerance Policy: (ZTP) below for more details)

Very important... * discussions about sex, politics and religion,
and certain bad jokes can lead to fighting. We would suggest that you
refrain from the aforementioned... as they will be carefully monitored, and
pulled as they turn into fighting.

Threads lead strange lives. Many begin well but deteriorate into flaming,
bashing, and general negativity. If a thread becomes dominated by this
type of post, the entire thread will be deleted.

Rule Number 3: ...
No Spamming
Sale Items, Products or Services

*(See below for more details on selling and exceptions)

Zero Tolerance Policy: (ZTP)

A list of what the ZTP covers is as follows:

a. Trolling is not acceptable, period.
b. Bullying is not acceptable, period.
c. Flaming/Bashing will not be tolerated.
d. Harassment (anything that falls in the grey area between
trolling and flaming. More specifically, it is targeting a specific user and
repeatedly mocking them or saying hurtful things. This includes tags in
signatures targeted at specific members or making statements for or
against any policy).
No matter how harmless you think it is, don't do it.
Don't test us on this, because we will not let it go.
e. Any posts attacking a group of people, of any kind, for any reason,
will be punished by a ban from these forums. (Bashing a group of people)
f. Inappropriate Content (porn, nudity, swearing, ect.) as judged
by the administration will not be allowed.
g. Spamming (including intentional or frequent multi-posting) in anyway or
form is not tolerated on the forums. Spam will be pulled immediately by
any Admin that finds it on his/her authority alone.
*(See below for more details on joining the forum
and posting issues related to sales of items, stock or trailers)

Signatures & Avatars
*The above Zero Tolerance Policy is also applicable to Signatures and Avatars.
Note: Signature pictures or symbols
should not exceed (100 pixels high max by 640 pixels max wide)

The Warning System
The Warning System simple and flexible depending on the user's
history and the actual nature of the offense. A user will first get a warning
then will be banned if the user does not abide by the Forum Rules. All users
involved in a crisis will go through the Warning System Process.

Warnings are usually sent through PMs. However, they are sometimes
given in a thread itself, especially if it targets a topic or a group of users.


Definitions and explanations:
Trolls vs Internet bullies
How to behave on an Internet Forum (light hearted video)

*Spamming Sale Items, Products or Services*

Contact an Administrator
If you have any doubt related to sales issues and are not sure

Spamming explained as we see it.
While we welcome all to become members, we do not allow spamming ~
Joining the forum just to sell your items, stock or trailers is not allowed
and is considered spamming by the administration of this forum.
To be clear we will not allow continuous postings of items for
sale ~ that would be considered spamming and not allowed.

Exception to the rule of sales
You are basically allowed to post ONCE in the "For Sale" section, what it is
you have for that point, we request you put a link to a website or
a blurb ("Private Message me for details if you have questions") in your signature block ~
this encourages you to participate in the daily give and take of the forum
and every post you make will have an advertisement in it.

If you are willing to join in the daily give and take on the forum, you would
be welcome to put a link or blurb in your signature block...anything
else will be considered spamming and will be pulled.

These rules are not restricted, and
administration can change them at will ...

This forum is meant to be fun.
With your help, it can be!

Thanks for helping. :)

The quality is remembered long after the price is forgotten, so build your teardrop with the best materials...
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Postby mikeschn » Sat Nov 08, 2008 8:38 am

Although it's posted in the previous message, I'd like to point out the light hearted video that you can watch... ... rnet-forum

The quality is remembered long after the price is forgotten, so build your teardrop with the best materials...
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