NewtiPower Battery Charger

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NewtiPower Battery Charger

Postby foxontherun » Mon Jan 08, 2024 7:07 pm

Good evening,
I recently purchased two NewtiPower 300 AH batteries and they didn't come with the charger mentioned and the owners manual (for lack of a better term, not much of one) said you could request the chargers for free and they would send them. They arrived today. The response that I got from them is below. Charger specs indicate it is for batteries 6 AH to 180 AH. If the charger is only supposed to be used on batteries up to 180 AH would it be unsafe to charge a 300 AH battery? Here is a picture of the specs on the charger they sent me:



From:[email protected]
Wed, Jan 3 at 8:59 PM

We are very sorry that the charger we provided only has a 12V 10A charger. We recommend charging the battery twice when using this charger to charge the battery, as our charger has a built-in protection program. In order to prevent safety issues, the charger will automatically stop charging after working continuously for 24 hours. At this time, the display screen will display "FUL". We suggest disconnecting the power supply of the charger and the clip connected to the battery at this time, After disconnecting, charge the battery again, and the second time it displays "FUL", it will truly be fully charged.
We are have reapplied for 2 new chargers delivery . It is expected to be delivered within 5 days.
We are so sorry to bother you, thank you for your understanding and support!
-By NewtiPower Support Team
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Re: NewtiPower Battery Charger

Postby edgeau » Mon Jan 15, 2024 9:00 am

You will be right, you are just changing slower so it can't do it in its 24hour limit.
10 amps X 24 hours is 240AH not 300

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Re: NewtiPower Battery Charger

Postby edgeau » Mon Jan 15, 2024 9:03 am

600 AH is a lot of juice - what are you running off them?

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Re: NewtiPower Battery Charger

Postby foxontherun » Mon Jan 15, 2024 10:23 pm

Good evening, my main DC power hog right now is a CPAP machine that I have to use a humidifier with. The tests I have run at home run around 28 to 30 amps for a 8 hour period. Most places we currently camp are too shady for solar and a generator would drive my wife crazy (she has cochlear implants); she has incredibly sensitive hearing when she wears them. She has to take them off when I am mowing the yard. We tend to camp where there aren't any hookups so I need a power bank that can at least last couple of weeks if I am lucky.

My other DC usage is just (2) maxxaire fans and lights currently; we live in TN and most of our camping currently is the Southeast (US).

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