East side of the Ca. Sierras

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East side of the Ca. Sierras

Postby joe duncan » Mon Jul 27, 2015 12:57 am

Had a great month so far !!!!!! Second week of July 2015 we took a trip to the east side of the Sierras in Ca to visit some family that live in Bishop. Hot there but beautiful .scenery all around . On one day we took a trip just outside Bishop:-) to the petroglyphs.http://www.thesierraweb.com/generalinfo/petroglyphs.cfm. the next day we went to the Laws Railroad mesumnhhttp://www.davemccoyphoto.com/an ... yphs.cfm:-) then up the short cut up Silver canyon to the Bristlecone pine foresthttp://mavensphotoblog.com/2013/0 ... -on-earth/ What an amazing place. ( I'll put links hear, they can take better pictures than I can) We headed back home for a few days to take care of some business and I put an outside shower fixture on our Lil Guy.
Then before the weekend came we were off to a local lake in our area called Cherry lakehttp://mammaquail.blogspot.com/2012 ... odest.html. and spent a few days fishing there and at lake Eleanor. It was a site to drive thru the miles and miles devastation caused by the Rim fire we had a few years ago. Some how it did not burn up the canyon with Cherry lake in it, but burned up the canyons on each side , the lake itself beautiful as always. http://www.scpr.org/news/2013/09/06/390 ... n-state-l/
Back home I decided to add high and low pressure quick disconnects to the Lil Guy and get rid of those peskey lil green propane bottles' Then we were off again. We ended up back on the East side staying at a nice FREE sight on Virginia lakes roadhttp://www.virginialakesresort.com. and fished and enjoyed the beauty and chilly mornings. On our second day there we were of the main road out of Lee Vining to the Log Cabin mine then back up towards Virginia lakes and beyond to the top of Kavanaugh ridge where the high Sierras just drop off on both sides for thousands of feet .... What amazing views. Mono lake to Bridgeport Ca on one side and 5 or 6 Alpine lakes you can only get to by hiking four hours on the other side of a thousand foot or more drop off . the pictures I took never do it justice !!!! The next day we decided to go find the wild mustangshttp://www.davemccoyphoto.com/a ... be-valley/ and took to skinny dipping in a spring right where it came out of the ground . -A few hours more of playing in the Jeep and we headed to mamouth mountain for some early diner and found that there was a music festival going on and we just had to stay awhile and dance til 10:00pm.
Now we're back home for a few days to clean up the Lil Guy before we are off again. I hope everyone out there who reads this also has the chance to get out and live life , enjoy the outdoor and hit the road for a fun trip.. Maybe we will see you at the high Sierras meet and greet coming up just around the corner in August ... Life is good ! Live it. Joe
The Lil Guy in its natural environment
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Our lil spring
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The Lg Cabin mine
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Joe & Michelle
Jamestown, Ca.
Sierra foothills / Gold country
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joe duncan
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Re: East side of the Ca. Sierras

Postby sealbeachbum » Sun Aug 09, 2015 10:18 am

"Maybe we will see you at the high Sierras meet and greet coming up just around the corner in August"

What's the scoop on this?
Bill & Patti Carr
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