Gray Haired Sisterhood

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Gray Haired Sisterhood

Postby Tabitha » Thu Jun 18, 2015 5:32 pm

Well the gal who does my hair wasn't getting it the silver I wanted, she only added small streaks and I have a lot so I embarked on fixing it myself

First I had to bleach my long colored hair as white blonde as I could get it.

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Then I ordered titanium blonde dye which they don't sell here in the U.S. so it came mail. After giving my hair a rest I added the titanium and now I'm at a silver I don't have to color again.
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Re: Gray Haired Sisterhood

Postby David Niver » Tue Jul 14, 2015 9:11 pm

What is purple rinse or dye? Trying to let my hair go gray, It is dark and I have colored it auburn for years. I think it will not be pretty silver, as my brothers is like mine. His is almost white. Need something to get thru the growing out phase. any suggestions? :D :) 8)
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Re: Gray Haired Sisterhood

Postby cheri832 » Wed Jul 15, 2015 4:45 pm

The easiest purple to use is called Shimmer Lights. It's actually a shampoo with purple pigment in it. It is used to neutralize yellow. Some people gray with yellowy streaks. Using the shampoo once every 2 or 3 weeks will tone down the yellow and give it a more platinum or purer white look. You can find it at Sally's Beauty Supply. But if you use it, be cautious. There's a reason for little blue haired ladies.... :lol: :lol: :lol:

I don't think purple will help you through the growing out stage.
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Re: Gray Haired Sisterhood

Postby Tabitha » Wed Jul 15, 2015 7:25 pm

You can get a good purple shampoo at feed stores, they make it for white and silver horses and it works better than the ones at the beauty supply.

The purple shampoo is the opposite color on the color wheel than the yellow so it cools and tones the yellow to silver.

You shampoo and leave it in for a bit 5 minutes then rinse out, works great!
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Re: Gray Haired Sisterhood

Postby cheri832 » Thu Jul 16, 2015 11:32 am

I didn't know that. I'll definitly check it out. I've used the other for years but love trying new things. Tractor Supply is as close to farm supply as we have in Clearwater, FL. Hopefully they'll have some.

Thanks for the tip. :thumbsup:
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Re: Gray Haired Sisterhood

Postby Mary C » Thu Jul 16, 2015 6:16 pm

Dog groomers use Shimmering Lights shampoo on white dogs to keep the yellow out. To brighten their coats and Make their owners ooo and ahhh over their freshly groomed dog............ I use it too , a little ahhhh helps me too!

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Postby rebapuck » Fri Jul 17, 2015 1:34 am

rebapuck wrote:When I was young, my hair was very very very blonde. In high school though, it became just very very blonde. My mother was the one who took me down to the drug store to buy something. I started with "Summer Blonde". But after a few uses, I felt it was too monotone. So I started experimenting with using it in streaks. Then, Clairol came out with the home frosting kits and I was hooked. I liked frosting because the roots (still very very blonde) grew out gracefully.

I knew my hair was gradually darkening and always said I was going to quit frosting when I started graying. Forty years later, I noticed the gray at my hairline, so I quit. It's been two years. My hair is totally natural and I hate it. I'm a brunette!!! I look at myself in the mirror and it's "who the h*ll are you?". The gray is not coming in very fast and I'm tempted to frost again.

Well, the above was me in 2010. A brunette and hating it. Still being surprised at myself in the mirror. Then, two years later, I had chemo and lost it all. It came back (thank God!) corkscrew curly and BLACK!! But, after being bald for 6 months, I was happy to have it. It's now pretty much straight and brown again. For 66 I have very little gray and I'm constantly tempted to frost it again.
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Re: Gray Haired Sisterhood

Postby Eunice » Fri Jul 17, 2015 9:53 pm

love all the hints and tips all you ladies have come up with. I started this thread a long time ago and my hair isnt getting any more gray or silver or white. Im excited to try purple shampoo! My mom always used the old lady bluing and she had beautiful white hair.
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Re: Gray Haired Sisterhood

Postby ZugZug » Sun Jul 19, 2015 6:15 am

Hi everyone!

Yes I'm also letting my hair grow out grey. I went through a stage of dying it closer and closer to its new colour, so there wouldn't be too obvious a line between the very light grey (my natural colour these days) and the former red colour (which was once my natural colour - sigh!)..

It's been a bit of an emotional adjustment, but at this point I like it quite a lot. I don't have to worry about swimming, how far to let it go before re-dying it, etc. etc. And the colour suits me better at this stage I think.

I do look older. My friends are divided I think. But to me it looks ash-blonde and more natural.

My husband approves, but I'd have to say he's an unreliable source. He has spent most of our married life encouraging me to shave my hair off. Now THAT, I have no intention whatsoever of doing.
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Re: Gray Haired Sisterhood

Postby Pixie Susan » Tue May 10, 2016 11:01 am

I use generic Shimmer Lights from Sally's.

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Re: Gray Haired Sisterhood

Postby The Teardrop Nanny » Fri May 20, 2016 5:11 pm

I use the purple stuff because it is what is in my Mom's bathroom shower.
Now that I am there> I've noticed that my hair is prone to the yellow streaks ( which to me look blonde ).
It's kind of funny that my hair color is currently "IN" with the younger crowd cuz that explains why I've had so many of them asking what I was using on mine..... :lol:
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