Gray Haired Sisterhood

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Re: Gray Haired Sisterhood

Postby Eunice » Wed Jun 18, 2014 9:26 am

Stacie Tamaki wrote:Eunice I'm sorry about your mother's passing. The last time I'd read an update she was in hospice. May she rest in peace.

I hear you on the not having a hair cut in a while. The most I have mine cut is once or twice a year. Love the longer length. So easy as you said to pull it back into a pony tail or up into a bun to get it out of the way. I enjoy wearing mine down but sometimes it's just not convenient. Especially on windy days.

Stacie thank you. Mom is in a better place now. I hope I inherit her beautiful white hair. Still long but I am beginning to think I look ridiculous. overweight and long straight hair isnt the look for 62. Need to do something but not sure what.
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Re: Gray Haired Sisterhood

Postby Malamute » Mon Jul 14, 2014 11:54 am

Speaking as a 50-something guy, I really like gray hair on a woman, and always have. I had a girlfriend in our 20's that was starting to go gray from black, I loved it! I've accosted innocent ladies in stores etc to compliment them on their hair. Once, I mentioned her hair to a lady in line at wal mart, she turned to her husband and said "See!", he just glared at me like he wasn't happy helping her make her point, I don't think he was quite on board with the going gray thing.

I started going gray early, in my early 40's.

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Re: Gray Haired Sisterhood

Postby The Teardrop Nanny » Mon Jul 14, 2014 2:25 pm

So you're the guy...... :R
Happens all the time to me, but I say, "Will you call my Mom and let her know how much you like"
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Re: Gray Haired Sisterhood

Postby Malamute » Mon Jul 14, 2014 5:24 pm

Your hair looks great! :D

You know all those things you've always wanted to do?

You should go do them.
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Re: Gray Haired Sisterhood

Postby JThompson » Tue Jul 15, 2014 9:03 pm

My Great Grandmother was a snow cone by the time she was 55. by snow cone I mean pure shining polar bear white..She washed her hair in bluing once a month to keep it from yellowing. I'm just now 50 and more then half way there. Discovered the hair I concider shining white actually has little or no color of its own. Lay it on black. it disappears.. same with red, green.. blue.. its going to make for interesting times ahead
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Re: Gray Haired Sisterhood

Postby fflutterffly » Tue Jul 29, 2014 9:39 pm

My hair turned grey beginning when I was 18. My sister had cancer when I was 26, lost her hair. When she began to grow it back she decided to stop coloring it... I did the same in solidarity. I've never turned back and have saved, I just did the math...$38,500 in over 40 years. It's worth it and I love the look.
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Re: Gray Haired Sisterhood

Postby deleted » Thu Aug 21, 2014 1:23 pm

Your great great grandmother was lucky JThompson :thumbsup:

And fflutterffly that's impressive! In 40 years you've saved that much! I just did the math, since March I've saved $40. Guess you have to start somewhere :lol:
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Re: Gray Haired Sisterhood

Postby fflutterffly » Mon Sep 15, 2014 6:36 am

Stacy, depending on where you live and if you have a professional do the coloring. Here it is ridiculously expensive, $80-125.@ every 4 weeks.(( Figure out how much is spent just going to purchase coffee each week, let's use 3 times a week at $4.00 a pop, for 40 years. That's almost $25,000 !!!! :shock: ( I usually project all cost over a one year period, comes out to about $624.00 a year, not including tip.)) The hair thing is just to stupid to keep doing for vanity sake. I'd rather purchase a top moisturizer than do the hair.
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Re: Gray Haired Sisterhood

Postby deleted » Mon Sep 15, 2014 6:45 am

Oh yeah, to have a professional do it can cost hundreds of dollars in the Bay Area. I colored my hair at home so I went cheap. And stocked up when kits were on sale for $6-$7. :lol:

Was just noticing my first "stripe" is showing near where bangs would be if I had them. When my hair is down it's not that noticeable that I stopped coloring but if I pull it up you sell lots of grey on the sides. So far it isn't bothering me at all. Still wishing it would all go white overnight :worship:

And that's shocking how much "regularly scheduled things" can add up to. Thankfully I never got into a coffee habit, or much of any habit that costs money for that matter. Fortunate since I never had the disposable income to spend anyways :)
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Re: Gray Haired Sisterhood

Postby Mary C » Thu Sep 18, 2014 8:57 am

When I casually mentioned my hair to my doctor, he suggested that I take a multivitamin to help "cure" the yellow in my grey.

That was a year ago and I can tell the difference. Something was missing in my usual diet. My yellow is just at the ends now

and look sorta like I colored it a long time ago. I have saved lots of money since I stopped coloring it, but never stopped to

figure how much.

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Re: Gray Haired Sisterhood

Postby fflutterffly » Sun Sep 21, 2014 10:32 pm

Another thing. My hair was extremely curly and now it is almost straight. Hormones, or should I say the lack of. To keep my grey hair nice and healthy I use Olive Oil or Grapeseed Oil as a conditioner.
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Gray Haired Sisterhood

Postby Tabitha » Thu Jun 04, 2015 5:16 pm

I started embracing my silver a few months back and had my stylist put silver streaks in so as the rest grows out it won't be as noticeable. This year grey is in and even young gals are dying their hair silver so now is a great time to embrace it!

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I got tired of coloring it and my silver is bright silver. There are all types of product out there now to really bring the silver out too.
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Re: Gray Haired Sisterhood

Postby Padilen » Thu Jun 04, 2015 9:42 pm

I've never colored mine. It got darker since childhood and now it's going back the other way. I also go back and forth between long and short. After being told falsely that I had cancer. I decided to cut my hair and donate it. I asked if the would take my old lady hair. The did. So I decided to keep donating, my hair is almost long enough again to donate.
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Re: Gray Haired Sisterhood

Postby minstrel » Sat Jun 06, 2015 9:11 am

I just turned 60 and my birthday present for myself is to let my hair grow out to whatever it's natural color is. I thought it would be all white, but as it grows I see there are still a very few dark hairs in there. Highlighted the ends so they blend in better as it grows out and people seem to like me as a blond. Will do one more highlight before the process is over. Also, to make things harder, I am growing out my hair so I can pull it up into a clip or pony when I am camping!! (Started getting gray when I was 16, and coloring it when I was about 30. Have had too many years with all those chemicals!...maybe that's why I can never find my glasses!) :lol:
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Re: Gray Haired Sisterhood

Postby Eunice » Sat Jun 13, 2015 10:17 am

good morning ladies. I love seeing how everyone is embracing their gray hair. Had mine cut yesterday and have to say she went a little crazy on me. Oh well it will grow back. It is still a salt and pepper but the salt is becoming very pronounced. :thumbsup:
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