any one want to try a tearmanor ... andrew??

Design & Construction of anything that's not a teardrop e.g. Grasshoppers or Sunspots

Postby Rae » Thu Oct 28, 2004 7:08 pm

Now I see that you use two jacks. I guess I was hoping for something more sophisticated and easier for one person.

Heh! I'm right there with you. :D We were using the jacks during construction, and we just never figured out a better system. Since the wagon's completion, there have been a few good suggestions, but nothing that we could easily implement. At this point, it's not likely to be changed unless we (shudder) build a second one.

It would be virtually impossible for one person to raise the top of the wagon. Fortunately, my husband and I still seem to be getting along well, so that's not a big issue. :-)

And Pennsic is in August, Mike. It's the first through the third weekend if you come for land grab, second through third if you're there just for War week.

The official webpage is but to see more of the flavor of the event, I'd recommend and check out the extensive photo albums

It's an interesting vacation. Camping with 13,000 of your closest friends, all in costume for two weeks. It's like stepping out of time for a few days. A truly wonderful experience.

I'm happy to tell you more about it, but I'm new here and I hate to meander off topic if that's not appropriate in this forum. Should I start a new topic or email off the forum? This might not be of interest to everyone.


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