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PostPosted: Wed Jun 15, 2011 8:31 pm
Pretty darn cool idea T! If you want more storage space and make it a little more aerodynamic, build a bump out in the front that would sit over your cab but not by muc - just a foot would probably give you plenty of storage room for linens, clothes and light stuff. Just angle it up to deflect the wind.

I hope you build this! I would love to the finished product - I know it will be very cool as hell....or hot as hell. :lol: :thumbsup:

PostPosted: Wed Jun 15, 2011 9:18 pm
by 2bits
Thank you Becca! you raise a good point! Air Conditioning! I'll put that on the list! I probably wouldn't change from the teardrop-ish shape, if it went over the cab at all it would start looking too much like a cabover camper which it's terrible, but like you said... It will be cool because that's all I build LOL Thank you though!

PostPosted: Wed Jun 15, 2011 10:24 pm
2bits wrote:Thank you Becca! you raise a good point! Air Conditioning! I'll put that on the list! I probably wouldn't change from the teardrop-ish shape, if it went over the cab at all it would start looking too much like a cabover camper which it's terrible, but like you said... It will be cool because that's all I build LOL Thank you though!

Thomas, look at my old Teardrop and see the bump out on the front. That was hollow storage behind the head area. I put a long curtain to hide the opening and put all my linens, blankets, towels, personal items, etc. in there. I had so much room I couldn't believe it. They didn't install shelves, just open space. Just a thought.

PostPosted: Thu Jun 16, 2011 12:20 am
by atahoekid
Sorry to be so late in reading this but, I've been real busy trying to complete a bathroom remodel so that "She who must be obeyed" gives me permission to start work on the TD.

I'm impressed by your out of the box thinking. I don't know if I'd do it but you could be onto something... If you decide to build it, based on your LT, it will be sweet 8) 8) . I'll keep an eye out for the build journal

PostPosted: Thu Jun 16, 2011 12:27 am
by High Desert
Thomas, you have to at least put some design thoughts to paper at this point. You have a following for this idea now. See what you've started? :lol:

DW likes the idea, we could still pull the horse trailer. Big plus in her book. Sure, a person could buy some boxy prebuilt, but this would be way more fun 8)

How 'bout a vardo-themed truck camper?

PostPosted: Thu Jun 16, 2011 12:43 am
by Alfred
Hi All,

With the caveat that do not want to hijack the thread

The idea of a teardrop themed truck-camper got me to thinking about the possibility of a vardo-themed truck camper.

Your placement of the cabin door in the rear would fit the vardo layout, you could build steps up to the back entrance similar to the steps I've seen on some vardo's. It could have a rounded roof like a vardo. Where the roof of the vardo comes over the cab, you could have a small round window, two round windows also on either side of the back door.

I think a vardo-design could be made to "drop-in" to the back of the truck, then taken out again, so you could maintain the utility of the truck when you are not camping.

Maybe we need a discussion area for truck camper ideas?

AL :thumbsup:

PostPosted: Thu Jun 16, 2011 12:48 am
by High Desert
Good thoughts Al. Somewhere around here I have seen pics of a rig like you describe and it was a neat rig. A Vardo style slide in. IIRC it was on a Ford. I think they were from the PNW. It's been a while since I saw it but it was a memorable rig. It got me thinking about it then, so when Thomas brought up the idea...

PostPosted: Thu Jun 16, 2011 4:55 am
by Kim Armstrong
2bits, How do you use your truck? High Desert got me to thinking, remove the bed and build a flat bed on the truck. Then build what ever you want. When you need a truck, pull the camper off and put in some custom stack bed sides. Just a thought.

PostPosted: Thu Jun 16, 2011 12:04 pm
by the other side
I love the idea of a tear/vardo type camper for the back of a pick up truck. It wouldn't be as tall as a truck camper and the best part to me would be to be able to put it in and take it out of the bed of the truck, and you can tow something else at the same time!!! I'm sold!

PostPosted: Thu Jun 16, 2011 12:52 pm
by angib
CAJUN LADY wrote: If you want more storage space and make it a little more aerodynamic, build a bump out in the front that would sit over your cab but not by much...

Here's one I made earlier (a famous quote from a Brit children's TV program):

This has an inset-and-outset door - providing most of the rear curve is present, it all looks curved.

PostPosted: Thu Jun 16, 2011 2:55 pm
by High Desert
I like that one Andrew. Did you by chance do a weight calculation on it? The truck looks like the mid size Dodge.

PostPosted: Thu Jun 16, 2011 7:50 pm
by 2bits
:twisted: We are having some interesting ideas here! Might be time to get out my T Square!

I think the Vardo idea is cool also! Could play off of the red colors of the truck and offset the yellow to that and the others that go with. It wouldn't be aerodynamic, but it isn't when you tow one either! I am way cool with that when it comes to building these things. Maybe keep the "Fake" sides and add some non-functional wagon wheels too that hang way down.

Kim, I would never take the bed off of my truck, I use it like a redneck for anything and everything. I always have a 1/8 cord of wood in the back that I tote around and I am always hauling or moving something. I really use my truck. Not to mention, I don't want to bastardize my all original classic. The only body mod I would ever consider would be to do a longbed to short bed conversion and put a step side bed on it. When I did that to my last truck, I drove it with a flatbed on it before I got the new bed on it, and I didn't care for it, So I've actually had the experience too ;) I've seen some with the sides you are talking about, but itts just not me.

I still think the cabover design look too much like a cabover for me. not a bad design at all, don't get me wrong, just personal opinion style-wise, but it cool to see it laid out for sure!

PostPosted: Thu Jun 16, 2011 9:28 pm
by Steve_Cox
Not a teardrop or a vardo, but a home built



PostPosted: Thu Jun 16, 2011 10:34 pm
by 2bits
Steve you are evil evil man... :lol: You might have me building another woodie now!

PostPosted: Fri Jun 17, 2011 12:37 am
by High Desert
OK Thomas, I found the one I was thinking of for a little more inspiration 8)
