Now the fun starts

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Re: Now the fun starts

Postby MickinOz » Tue Apr 19, 2022 12:05 pm

So today, I shimmed and clamped the hatch in place and commenced screwing the hinge down. Snapped off one drill bit while drilling pilot holes. then snapped the head off a brand new stainless steel screw.
So instead of residing on the TD, my hatch is now resting on the table. I had to remove the hinge, chisel around the broken off screw and bit, get them out, and fill the craters created. The broken off drill bit was easy enough, I just chiseled out enough timber to get a pair of pliers on it. Extracting the 1.5 inch screw was a particular PITA.
I tried pliers, pincers, vise grips, side cutters - nothing could grip the visible 5mm of screw enough to turn it out.
Things were getting desperate. I'd pushed my arthritic hands as far as they could go, and I simply could not grip it hard enough.
Then I had an idea. I grabbed the battery drill, and managed to get the three jaw chuck on that tiny bit of protruding screw at the bottom of my little chiseled out crater.
Didn't work, tried again. Then 3rd time lucky the screw came out.
Mixed up some filler and filled the craters created by the extraction dramas, and ran away quickly.
I'm sure it'll all look easier in the morning.
For the record, it appears I have managed to run into staples in the timber, causing the breakages.
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Re: Now the fun starts

Postby KCStudly » Tue Apr 19, 2022 5:36 pm

Hey Mick, just getting caught up and have been enjoying your latest efforts.

Re: staples and broken hinge screws, yup, been there, done that. Hit staples routing out my door window recesses, and broke more than a couple of screws in the oak hinge spar.

That is why I was so adamant about using the biscuit joiner wherever I could, instead of metal fasteners.

I up sized the hinge screws from #6 to #8. Hopefully that will solve the problem going forward. Did you think to wax a screw and stick it part way back in the hole when you packed the filler? I did that with mine and 403 thickened epoxy, and it worked a treat. No hassles drilling and/or re-"threading".

Anyway, looking good! You'll get through this, no problem. :thumbsup:
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Re: Now the fun starts

Postby MickinOz » Wed Apr 20, 2022 1:30 am

Jumped out of bed this am, sanded the filler only to discover it was yet dry. Chiseled it out and started again :cry:
Spewin'. Then my son called out to say it was just starting to rain. Took the bloody trailer back to mum's place and stashed it under the carport.
Not a total loss to the day. While I was there I grabbed my little 14 foot power catamaran and brought it home.
Both motors started easy enough.
I'm going to clean her up and launch her.
The silver whiting are running, the King George whiting won't be far behind.
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Re: Now the fun starts

Postby MickinOz » Tue May 03, 2022 7:43 pm

Life continues flat strap.
Work at the Deli has been full on. The lawn we planted at Easter germinated well and is now getting a nice nitrogen laden drizzle of rain on it as I type.
A new 10 feet wide patio door has been installed in one wall, to open on to the future outdoor kitchen/entertaining area.
The pavers that were pulled up to facilitate the installation of the fence have been reinstated.
Internally framing nearly complete.
We framed up a walk in robe for the master bedroom. It is 5 feet by 12 feet. My son's girlfriend graciously allowed that she "might" able to fit all her clothes in the space, but wasn't sure if there'd be a space for the boy's :roll:
Floor has been excavated in the toilet/storage area, and underfloor piping installed for a bathroom, laundry, and toilet block.
One of the wide shop front windows has been filled in with a sliding window, the other will be a cinch now we've worked out the how to.
One big window on the side has been bricked in, as there were was almost no uninterrupted wall space in the master for the bed head.
So the process of turning the old shop into a deli is progressing.

The boy gave me a couple days off, some of which was spent doing administrative stuff concerned with my newly minted status as a self-funded retiree.
( For Aussie readers - this necessitated two trips to Centrelink. PM me for the delivery address for all cards, flowers and messages of sympathy. :) )
I got my little catamaran into what I would consider "near off-shore fishable" condition.

Still, the most common question I get is - "Have you finished that teardrop yet?"

Well, no, as it happens. :? My mate has a saying. "Can't rush fine art."

Still, I managed to install the lower galley bulkhead and the benchtop.
Then last night I checked the forecast an decided the trailer would need to go back to Mum's carport.
Good thing it did. Woke this morning to a light drizzle that had been going for some time.
What a pity I didn't consider the hatch that was laying inner side up on the outdoor setting. The missus said, "Well if you ever build a boat, at least we'll know it won't leak." World's full of comics.
Pictures next post.
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Re: Now the fun starts

Postby MickinOz » Tue May 03, 2022 8:37 pm

Good thing I sealed the inside of the hatch.
At least it holds water.JPG
At least it holds water.JPG (102.47 KiB) Viewed 690 times

It was still pretty square, but I decided to strap it up and pull it in 10mm while it was wet. It is sealed, but I'm sure some water would have made it into the ribs. I'll leave it to dry for a day or two.

Drying undercover.JPG
Drying undercover.JPG (72.75 KiB) Viewed 690 times

Bench and lower bulkhead are in. There is a 3mm height discrepancy from side to side on the bench top. That's over a distance of 1551mm, or about 1/8" in 5 feet. I'm hoping only I will notice.
Small progress..JPG
Small progress..JPG (121.72 KiB) Viewed 690 times
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Re: Now the fun starts

Postby KCStudly » Wed May 04, 2022 9:47 am

Looks great! :thumbsup:
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Re: Now the fun starts

Postby MickinOz » Thu May 05, 2022 1:05 am

KCStudly wrote:Looks great! :thumbsup:

Thanks mate. Got the hatch actually fitted today. Not too many dramas, the water didn't do any damage at all that I can see.
I have to say a piano hinge with a rubber gasket under it is not as easy to fit as a hurricane hinge.
They are hard to find and rather expensive here in Oz, but easier to deal with, for sure. Still, my stainless steel piano hinge is on and functioning.
Got the galley counter sealed under two coats of the mix yesterday arvo.
Now that the hatch is fitted, I will next install the upper bulkhead. I left it open in case I needed to clamp the hatch in place from the inside while fitting the hinge. Turned out OK with out that.
Then its all the fiddly stuff.

Sliding doors to cabin closet.
Install battery and complete the very simple electrical system. My son sent me a picture of some 12v LEDS he took out of a house. I think I can use one for a galley light.
Fit new mudguards. I've got 'em and they fit straight on the existing brackets.
Install door and hatch seals.
I have some butterfly vents for the cabin.
With regard to the galley, I will throw in the vintage esky I bought because it fits the space well, and install a battery under the bench, but may not do much more. I'm kinda aiming this at people looking for a step up from sleeping in a swag or tent. So maybe they will have their camp cooking and eating equipment and preferences, so I might leave it as a bit of a clean slate for now.
Lots of varnishing in my future.

Renew the wheel bearings, I was going to leave them as there is minimal play, but the seals are leaking grease all over the inside of the fenders so may as well do the lot.
I recently dropped everything to replace collapsed wheel bearings on one of my son's trailers, and I was stunned at how low the "trade" price is.
Redo the trailer lights with the 'ol skool lights I've been hoarding for at least a year now.
Splash around some paint, and Bob is your Aunty's live in lover.

Galley hatch fitted.JPG
Galley hatch fitted.JPG (114.85 KiB) Viewed 648 times

Now celebrating with this old plonk..
Shiraz.JPG (55.26 KiB) Viewed 648 times
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Re: Now the fun starts

Postby rjgimp » Thu May 05, 2022 9:55 pm

MickinOz wrote:Now celebrating...


I hope to make it to a Procrastinators Anonymous meeting someday...
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A funny thing happened at the store today

Postby MickinOz » Wed May 11, 2022 6:26 am

I've been using Bondall exterior grade varnish on this build.
$68 per gallon if I recall correctly.
Exactly half the price of Bondall Monocel Gold marine grade which apparently had lots more UV stabilisers in it.
So I went to the big green store to get some more.
No exterior grade varnish.
Not even an empty slot on the store shelf for it, and it has disappeared from the Bondall website.
Attendant said it has been discontinued, only exterior grade from now on is the very super duper marine grade.

I was a little bit hangdog, price of finishing just doubled, I thought.
But, the interesting thing is that Bondall, whilst rationalising its range, dropped the price on the marine grade.
It's no longer $136 a gallon, its $99. Only half as much again. :lol:
The plan was to seal everything with normal exterior grade, then use the much more expensive marine grade to put a top coat or two on all timber I want to leave clear finished on the outside, but I was only planning on buying a quart can and making the most of it.
At that price, I decided to grab the gallon.
Not often the price goes down, especially on premium materials.
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Re: Now the fun starts

Postby MickinOz » Mon May 16, 2022 1:04 am

Benn doing a lot of house building lately.
But every now and then I get a little bit done on the TD.
The galley bulkheads and bench top are in and sealed.
The bench top is 19mm non-structural Carter Holt Harvey pine plywood.
What that mouthful means is that I had enough of a sheet left to make the bench top exactly to size, provided I wasn't too fussy about the plywood quality.
CHH non-structural plywood still uses waterproof A-Bond glue, but is made from veneers that would certainly be rejected for structural and appearance grade purposes. (Splinters and splits, etc.)
I figured it will suffice, and I am getting around the less than pristine surface by liberal sanding and application of multiple layers of polyurethane.
I've got ends of cans to use up, may as well pour it on.
My son bought an enclosed tradies trailer, and brought it to my house to rip out the terrible lining job.
The job was done with aluminium signboard. I think we are all familiar with it - composite board comprising two layers of thin aluminium sheet with about 3 or 4mm of foam in between.
Cuts real well with a small power saw with a tungsten tip wood blade.
So I cut a piece, painted it black with some epoxy paint and screwed it to the rear of the trailer below the hatch. This hides the boat trailer v in the crossmembers and
gave me somewhere to permanently mount the old fashioned taillights I've been hoarding.
The number plate took some panel beating to get it into good enough shape to screw it on, but we got there.
The big struggle was getting the lighting to work.
Ended up taking the pin round socket off the truck, ascertaining it was wired for 7, not 5, and deciding that 18 years of mud and water had done too much damage. So new socket wired in nice and tidy.
Still not working properly down at the rear of the TD. Symptoms convinced me I still had an earth problem.
So I remade all connections after chopping off a few feet of cable (corrosion travels a bloody long way up the wires). Bulbs that worked yesterday stubbornly refused today. Finally put some new ones in. After all that, we have lights. Also, that very very important thing - a nice tidy ass.
Taillights installed.JPG
Taillights installed.JPG (117.88 KiB) Viewed 511 times
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Re: Now the fun starts

Postby rjgimp » Tue May 17, 2022 1:01 am

MickinOz wrote:-a nice tidy ass.

I’ll say! Well done, mate!

I hope to make it to a Procrastinators Anonymous meeting someday...
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Re: Now the fun starts

Postby MickinOz » Thu May 19, 2022 7:12 am

One man's scrap packing crate is another man's top door track/ceiling spar.
crate.JPG (49.87 KiB) Viewed 439 times

45 x 45 frame.JPG
45 x 45 frame.JPG (43.29 KiB) Viewed 439 times

toptrack.JPG (70.79 KiB) Viewed 439 times

Trust me I wouldn't be doing this if I could buy some.
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Re: Now the fun starts

Postby KCStudly » Thu May 19, 2022 8:44 am

Looks good. Reuse, repurpose, recycle.
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Re: Now the fun starts

Postby MickinOz » Thu May 26, 2022 2:45 pm

This was supposed to be a quick build.
First post showing my new chassis was 25th August last year.
9 months later, not finished.
I can point to a few things that contributed - like serious demands on time spent converting my son's old corner shop to a house, and various other things, like spending excessive time figuring out how to compensate for a less than straight chassis. It's still difficult sourcing materials and fittings here in the sticks, too, but still I wonder where the time goes.
Though I have learned a thing or two more about efficiency in building.

I'm just about there.
Won't be long and I'll need to draw up a punch list to make sure I don't forget any little tidy up items.
Fitted the latches on the hatch today, and put another coat of poly on the cupboard doors.
That's something I've learned along the way. If you cut some timber today, and you have it ready to seal then install, put the damn poly on today.

We are in retirement mode. Ya might, say, cut some timber and router some grooves to make some sliding door track. Well, don't call figuring out what to do and doing it a good couple hours, and that'll do for today. It's tempting to wonder off and take a nap, we are in retirement mode.
But if you get the first coat of poly on immediately you should, at 6 hours between coats, be able to put another coat on after dinner tonight.
You still get your afternoon nap, and you can install the sliding door track tomorrow, rather than seal it tomorrow and wait until the next day to install it.

I've been sealing as I go, but I'm tempted to do it different next time. I will consider building the thing and then sealing the whole lot in one go.
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Re: Now the fun starts

Postby MickinOz » Wed Jun 01, 2022 9:29 pm

Now the fun really starts.
Right as rain when I tested after lunch yesterday.
Crook as a dog this morning so tested again.
+ve for the 'rona. Ah well, I was looking for an excuse to lay around doing nothing.
Now we'll see if these various jabs I had live up to the advertising.
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