Buillding a modified 2+2 in Colorado - the beginning

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Buillding a modified 2+2 in Colorado - the beginning

Postby rxsamar » Wed Dec 01, 2010 9:04 pm

Hi folks, see my newbie post below to explain where I'm coming from.

Firstly, thanks for all your posts - this site is fantastic! So much useful information, I certainly wouldn't be contemplating building a teardrop if it hadn't been for this site.

My name is Rohan and I'm an Aussie living currently lucky enough to be living in Denver, Colorado. After spending a summer camping in a tent my wife and I found we were really getting tired of the amount of time and effort it takes us to load/inload our car and setup a campsite. It certainly stopped us from just taking off into the Rockies on a Friday night at the spur of the moment. We also have two dogs (a high maintenance terrier and a silent, not-so-smart Labrador) who complicate matters when camping in the US (no squirrels in Australia,..the possums operate a bit more clandestinely!).

Most of my workmates who camp have RVs with popups being about as small as they get. I contemplated a popup for a while but the size and weight and canvas wall put me off.

Driving to work about 2 months ago after a glorious weekend camping, with the car still laden with camping gear we were too tired to unpack the night before, I saw a Lil' Guy being towed in the opposite direction. It was then that my Teardrop obsession begain.

I started surfing ever manufacturer on the web, I bought the book "Teardrops and Tiny Trailers" and flicked through it while freezing my ass off fishing for trout at eleven mile state park in Colorado (no fish!!). And I read and read posts on this forum. I was also lucky enough to visit SoCal teardrops in California a few weeks ago. I had a good chat with Mike about my project and he let me have a good look at some of the Teardrops he builds.

So after looking at every manufacturer on the market and seeing all the fun many of you have had building a teardrop I pitched the 'boss' on building our own. I am my father's son - he's an engineer by trade but a frustrated carpenter/electrician/plumber/mechanic/welder by heart. I work with computers but enjoy tinkering in my spare time. My aim is to build something that meets our needs, but also is something of a family heirloom. My dad has converted a couple of vans into campers over the years and keeps selling them. I wanted something we could keep, and would use to thoroughly explore Nth America before we go home in a couple of years time. When I was a kid I spent a couple of Aussie summers/US winters with my god parents (who lived in Escondido CA) driving around Nevada, California, Mexico and Arizona in a converted Bedford van - great memories, I'm keen to make some more. I also intend to ship the teardrop back home to Oz.

So the design - I really liked the 2plus2 design but it was Wolfgang's awesome job on his 2plus2 that tipped me over the edge.

http://tnttt.com/viewto ... highlight=

Over the past few months I've oscillated from a 5X10 Kuffel Creek after purchasing plans from Kevin Hauser, then I found the Lil' Diner on this site and the great work Steven Frederick did in completing a couple of version (bought his manual as well). But as I mentioned above I really liked the idea of the 2x2 and for a few of reasons

1. Space - We have two dogs and plan to have children, the move up to a 6x12 didn't seem too much of an upsize (at least in the planning stage). Besides which in a couple of years I would hate to have to give up on the dream of driving around North America because we were lucky enough to have had a child but unlucky enough to have built a slightly bigger trailer.

2. I only want to do this once. It seems many of you are on to your 2nd or even 3rd teardrop or small standie and they seem to get bigger.

3. I could stop thinking about the 2+2 design, particularly after seeing Wolgangs build on this forum.
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Postby pete42 » Thu Dec 02, 2010 3:39 am

welcome I haven't built any trailers just modified one to fit my needs.
I'm handicapped and most travel trailers don't fit.
I want to convert a cargo trailer I spent my "trailer" money helping my ex-wife in her time of need (cancer) it looks like I may get to convert one next year unless I just bite the bullet and buy one now.
please keep us upto date on your build and good luck.
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Postby rxsamar » Sat Dec 04, 2010 12:08 am

Hey pete,

I kinda stuffed up this thread a bit, check out my other thread currently named "the design".


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