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Re: Mini hopper build

PostPosted: Tue Jun 03, 2014 4:20 pm
by Shar
Looking forward to seeing those windows! :)

Re: Mini hopper build

PostPosted: Wed Jun 11, 2014 12:38 pm
by JThompson
New Roof design of wooden braces and plywood under foam got tested last night. we had a tremendous thunder storm last night. Very violent, trees down, a couple of roofs collapsed, 50,000 out of power. It shook the house so bad it woke us up.
I spent the rest of the night hopeing I would still have the hopper this morning. It did FINE! :thumbsup: it was even 99% dry inside for a trailer with no doors on it yet. hopefully the canvas will go on it this weekend after my son moves down from PA.

Re: Mini hopper build

PostPosted: Wed Jun 11, 2014 6:02 pm
by bonnie
All Right! That's great news! :applause: :applause:

Re: Mini hopper build

PostPosted: Wed Jun 11, 2014 7:26 pm
by Shar
Splendid! :)

Re: Mini hopper build

PostPosted: Fri Jun 13, 2014 12:31 pm
by atahoekid
NAYSAYERS BE DAMNED!!!! I too lined my Road Foamie with that lauan from the big orange and it works great. I sealed mine with poly and it takes on a rich mahogany hue. looks Great! My walls and ceiling are amazingly rigid. Just take the time to seal the corners and seam very well and you will have no issues with rot! Nice recovery! :applause:

Re: Mini hopper build

PostPosted: Sat Jun 14, 2014 10:49 pm
by Mary C
Very good!! and Yes the weather was horrible here too. I couldn't go to sleep. but so glad you didn't get any water or any damage.

Mary C.

Re: Mini hopper build

PostPosted: Tue Jun 17, 2014 8:32 am
by kudzu
You made a good recovery from the storm damage. Glad the follow up storms haven't done damage. Good job! :applause:

Re: Mini hopper build

PostPosted: Wed Jun 25, 2014 6:53 am
by JThompson
if it isnt one thing its another. I swear this weekend the canvas goes On... It has too or the sun will ruin the foam thats exposed. tarps just dont protect it enough. Picking up supplies after the doctors apt this afternoon. Then I fight the man and the kid for the right to stand up and do things.

Re: Mini hopper build

PostPosted: Sat Jun 28, 2014 11:41 am
by Mary C
let us know how it goes and remember to take pictures.

Mary C.

Re: Mini hopper build

PostPosted: Sun Jun 29, 2014 7:36 pm
by JThompson
Okay.. I did some work on it. Been a rough two weeks. Spent 10 days in the hospital for blood clots in my legs and lungs due to a medication they gave me... so no work on the camper.. got home Tuesday can't breath, taking pain killers, run out of energy easy and fast. Second day home boss calls and says I'm fired if I don't report to work this coming Thurs. :o

As of Thurs work will no longer interfere with my sewing or camper building because I wont go back to driving a commercial vehicle that weighs 18 tons while on narcotics or while I cant breath... its against the federal motor carrier act.. and against any sort of good sense. Decided I didn't want to work for a place with that little integrity.

with everything going on I did get some stuff done. Work till I needed to sit.. and point to get the guys to do what I couldn't.
Here's the galley.. really basic.. just a shelf on the top, will get some sewn storage and some metal racks. Under the shelf is a porthole, big enough to slide a queen size standard mattress in or out as needed. Makes the shell easily multipurpose for camping or hauling. there is a door to fit it but might modify it further to allow a small AC to sit there 121874

And canvas going on. two coats of TBII one under one over.. so much easier to do with two people and a bathroom shower squeegee.. 121873 I got himself to help me.. and my son took some photos

there will be wooden trim around the doors to form a drip ledge but its getting closer. Tomorrow its a trip to walmart to see what color screw up exterior paint they have for the first coat or two.. then home depot has some road cone orange for me. The manager there gave us two HD Pro coffee cups because we told them no matter what it is we need we have to come to HD.. the lowes a mile from the house has NOTHING..

Re: Mini hopper build

PostPosted: Mon Jun 30, 2014 11:29 pm
by Shar
That's a big step forward! 8)

How much TB2 did you use altogether?

Re: Mini hopper build

PostPosted: Tue Jul 01, 2014 7:43 am
by JThompson
little over a gallon so far. by the time I finish the inside it will be 2. Might be some left over since some of the inside walls have wood on them.

Re: Mini hopper build

PostPosted: Thu Jul 03, 2014 11:55 am
by atahoekid
Not that you would want to work for a company like that but it's too bad you couldn't report the boss/company to Federal DOT or something like that. You'd probably get your job back or cause them to be audited/fined for insisting that you work while on doctors prescription for pain meds. Probably not the first driver they coerced to drive in that condition. I wonder how they are getting through their random drug screen program????

Re: Mini hopper build

PostPosted: Thu Jul 03, 2014 3:47 pm
by JThompson
I have no clue how they manage it. but thinking back no ones gone for a random since I started in march. so I am thinking they simply dont do randoms. Whats really scary is I drove out on to Savanaha river Site, which does require all drivers to submit to randoms and has walked up to the bus and pulled the driver before. I dont have any intention of being caught with vicodin in my system driving a commercial vehicle out on a federal reserve. I'll wait till sept and start driving a school bus again or just make my pocket change by selling welding caps and "do" rags. they sell faster then I can run them off the sewing machine

Re: Mini hopper build

PostPosted: Thu Jul 03, 2014 4:38 pm
by GPW
Welding caps !!! COOL !!! 8)