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PostPosted: Thu Jun 09, 2011 12:12 pm
by eaglesdare
holy cow its HOT out there. geeezzzzzzzzzz, all i just did was go out and cut the height. tried to get it in the door and because of the curve, the corner piece would not fit. so i had to take it back out and cut the corner off. i even just winged that task, and it now fits. perfectly! but in just those few minutes, i was a soaking wet mess. i hate this kind of heat.

let this be a lesson to all others, while the weather is nice, get out and do the work. dont' wait til the last minute and run the risk of those temps being unbareable.

ok so now to figure out where that hole needs to get cut. i think i am going to have to take the a/c out there for proper placement.

oh some good news might be happening right now. hubby has been working on our a/c for the house. he just came out and turned the thermostate on. so if this works, i won't have a problem taking the a/c out of the window for the placement in the foamie. :worship: it works!

PostPosted: Fri Jun 10, 2011 8:24 am
by GPW
TG the AC works !!! Busy Eagle !!! :o

With these HOT days , we can only work a few hours in the morning ... Otherwise it's Sweat City !!!

PostPosted: Sat Jun 11, 2011 7:33 am
by GPW
Guess Eagle is "on the road again" ... Trip #4 ... :thumbsup: Wonder if she got all her modifications done ??? Might have to wait till she gets back to hear about it ... Bon Voyage Eagle !!! 8)

PostPosted: Sun Jun 12, 2011 4:58 pm
by eaglesdare
well yes i am back from trip 4. i never did finish the work before i left. but i brought the a/c with me and when i got there, a chapter director met me with a greeting and asked if i needed any help setting up. well who am i to not take him up on his offer. :lol: so he cut the hole out for the a/c and he helped set it up. fit great, we had it propped up on the outside with a tripod. taped around the doors inside and out and it worked great!


PostPosted: Sun Jun 12, 2011 5:47 pm
by eaglesdare
here is the pic of the tearjerker cutting the hole for the power cord. this was after he cut the hole for the a/c. thank you so much for the help j.t.!!!!
held up with a camera tripod. gpw, you will like this, it was free. hehehe ratkity gave it to me on our last trip. thanks rat!

really bad photo from the inside. gosh i need to finish the inside. but my flash is not working on the camera, so not a great photo

and i will leave you with this as my view while camping. i know it might be hard to see, but all along the edge of that tarp is rain pouring off. i am getting tired of camping with rain. :lol:

PostPosted: Sun Jun 12, 2011 8:59 pm
by GPW
That AC installation looks very COOL (excuse the pun) :roll: tripod a Thrifty move ... :D

Rain , at least you have nothing to bother about should it get wet ... No sleepless nights worrying about Rot or delamination ... :thumbsup:

PostPosted: Thu Oct 13, 2011 10:12 am
by eaglesdare
ok you all, i need help. i want to repaint my foamie in a disney color. would love the mickey mouse red, but i am afraid it just won't match the car.

so i need some suggestions for a disney color that will match my car.

then i also need a color for the base coat on the inside.

you can see the color of my car and td together i think its on pg 2 of this thread.

thanks for any and all ideas.

PostPosted: Thu Oct 13, 2011 11:18 am
by Wayne in maryland
Hey Louella...the red is traditional so add some more black trim...a few touches of white...maybe on the wheels... and the yellow shoe color could go on the inside...might be pretty bright though :R

PostPosted: Thu Oct 13, 2011 11:22 am
by GPW
The Mouse is Black and white , with red and yellow as I recall ... no matches there ... Can’t remember any Disney colors the color of your vehicle ... :roll: But if you paint it really COOL , it won’t matter eh !!! Nobody will look at the tow vehicle ... ;)

PostPosted: Thu Oct 13, 2011 12:36 pm
by eaglesdare
ok thanks both of you!

i think i ]like the idea of the red with the black trim and i know exactly where and how to do that. now i also love the white on the wheels somewhere.
do you all know if i can get different (what are they called) hubcaps? for this trailer, they are silver right now, standard with the trailer.
i think if i could change them out to a white, that would be cool. or maybe i will just have to change out that part that is black that goes over the wheel (not sure what that is called).

i have said this a thousand times before: i am not a technical person.

PostPosted: Thu Oct 13, 2011 1:33 pm
by GPW
Best make a few rough sketches first ... You can find plenty of hubcaps , just very few with mouse ears on them... :roll: Easy enough to paint the rims any color with a Spit Bomb (spray can) and run some Baby Moons (ask Hubby)

Thinking you could make some Big Foam Mouse ears that could rotate and also act as awnings ... Ok, maybe a silly idea , but not as silly as hubcaps with mouse hands (gloves) sticking out spinning like on a chariot ... :o :lol:

PostPosted: Thu Oct 13, 2011 3:14 pm
by Wayne in maryland
Gotta love the mouse hands idea...and BTW I looked back at your pics and Louellla...your rims are white...

and I thought I was color blind :?

PostPosted: Thu Oct 13, 2011 3:43 pm
by eaglesdare
Wayne in maryland wrote:Gotta love the mouse hands idea...and BTW I looked back at your pics and Louellla...your rims are white...

and I thought I was color blind :?

oh h*ll, look at that! well that solves that problem. now i guess i have to keep it clean huh :roll:

PostPosted: Thu Oct 13, 2011 7:16 pm
by starleen2
eaglesdare wrote:
Wayne in maryland wrote:Gotta love the mouse hands idea...and BTW I looked back at your pics and Louellla...your rims are white...

and I thought I was color blind :?

oh h*ll, look at that! well that solves that problem. now i guess i have to keep it clean huh :roll:

Who ever said that the TV and teardrop had to match?

PostPosted: Thu Oct 13, 2011 7:47 pm
by Anita Rae
Eagle, If you go to Ebay and do a search for Mickey Mouse faric, they have a huge selection. Maybe you could find something that you could use as a mural and then put a clear coat over it.