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another glue?

PostPosted: Tue Apr 21, 2015 7:12 pm
by jondbar628
I've seen a lot of discussion about the myriad of glue types, and what is the best, just adequate, and not good. Have seen the vids of Mike's glue tests for wood & foam. But I've seen nary a word about Glidden Gripper primer........... I recently saw a vid by a Lady who uses pink foam (Urethane?) for outdoor decorating projects (Holloween tombstones, etc), which she sells. After testing, she came to the conclusion that Gripper was the best & strongest glue/sealant for foam-to-foam (She apparently didn't work with wood, so none was shown).......So has anyone tried Gripper, and if so, could you share the results? Just curious, as I'm leaning towards a wood/foam combo weekender with canvas or linen skinning............thanks in advance..........doug

Re: another glue?

PostPosted: Tue Apr 21, 2015 7:56 pm
by wagondude
You probably just missed it in the various threads. It is easy to miss stuff or forget what you saw if it was buried in the "big Thrifty" thread. Gripper has been used on multiple builds. Some have found that for foam to foam the open time is too long for building quickly. For smaller projects that don't require a lot of dry time, it is fine. Glen (GPW) has a fair bit of experience with the Gripper both on the Foamstream build and RC aircraft.

Re: another glue?

PostPosted: Tue Apr 21, 2015 8:09 pm
by jondbar628
Thanks Bill..........Don't know how I missed 'em all - might be old-timer's disease. If I can find GPW's build journal, I'll check it out.............doug

Re: another glue?

PostPosted: Wed Apr 22, 2015 5:44 am
by GPW
Sorry , GPW is OLD and doesn’t do build journals , but merely hangs around trying to be Helpful ... :roll:

The Gripper works fine as a primer , and fairly well as a glue In certain applications. It’s great for laminating foam if you can allow a Loooooong drying/curing time (weeks) on large pieces , and not so good for attaching canvas to foam ... (we prefer TB2) It is an excellent primer , and is almost twice as expensive as the other primers ... but I think it’s worth it ... (JMHO)

As we’ve learned around here , it’s Best to TEST Everything ( on small scraps) to see if it will work for you ... ;)

Re: another glue?

PostPosted: Wed Apr 22, 2015 6:23 pm
by jondbar628
Thanks GPW..........looks like TB2 moves up while Gripper slides back to the pack .....Sounds like I should be looking at multiple glues for the different applications involved in a ply/foam combo with a canvas/linen/ lightweight fiberglass skin (one of those).....I appreciate you guys' sage guidance.I know others have said it, but it means SO much that ya'll will jump in to help an unknown sorta dumb newbie negotiate the "do's and don'ts" so we can maybe avoid some really bad mistakes.....................doug

Re: another glue?

PostPosted: Wed Apr 22, 2015 7:15 pm
by KCStudly
Hey, don't feel bad. I'm years into my build and I'm still experimenting with different products for different usages.

The thing that seems to run true is that most anything can work, so long as it is compatible and does not melt the foam like harsh solvents will.

The never ending search is to find the best or most economical product that gets the job done.

It's that old saying: you can have it good, fast, cheap; pick two.
Epoxy and glass is probably the best way to get the longest lasting and most durable outer shell; but is also likely to be the most expensive (non-aluminum) version, with other considerations (PPE, mixing and applicator supplies, etc.). If you want automotive quality paint it will cost more and take longer to fill and block out.

Seems like a really good canvas job can take just as much effort getting all of the details right (back jamming, edge trimming, etc.), but the products are substantially less expensive and friendlier to use. Might give up some in durability and longevity.

Re: another glue?

PostPosted: Thu Apr 23, 2015 7:09 am
by GPW
“ multiple glues for the different applications “... The right glue for the job :thumbsup: ... Some glues are better at a specific job . And just like finding the right tool for the job , so for the glue (s) ...
A Foamie is merely a collection of simple , easy to handle , non toxic , inexpensive things that when built carefully * , will provide a lifetime of service if just simply cared for .. Fiberglass or aluminum both may be more durable , but in reality need constant care as both dull over time with exposure... Foamies only need the Paint maintained... Not to mention Repairs on a Foamie are extremely cheap and easy , Not so on Al or Fiberglas. :thinking: It’s all a compromise ... You want to camp in a tent , or mortgage the farm for a rolling "Better Homes and Garden” show trailer . or something in between ... :thinking:

“ Seems like a really good canvas job can take just as much effort getting all of the details right (back jamming, edge trimming, etc.), but the products are substantially less expensive and friendlier to use. “ True Dat’ !!!
Covering is an Unhurried job!!! ;) A little time spent making it NEAT goes a long way ... ;)
And most of the time it’s not really a job for one person unless you have prior materials experience.. Those extra hands really help especially during application..

* carefully .... over the years here we’ve all come to agree on certain parameters of Foamie camper building ... certain ways of doing things that we now know actually Works and is well road and camp tested. :thumbsup: 8) :beer:

Re: another glue?

PostPosted: Thu Apr 23, 2015 11:30 pm
by jondbar628
Thanks Guys......I'm feeling like a college freshman again, trying to soak up everything (while taking some time out to party on the weekends)( Of course Honey-do's cut seriously into the party time, even when you're retired). Now it's back to searching out threads, comparisons, tutorials, and build journals, and picking your brains whenever possible, before cutting wood (and foam) in about six weeks.........doug.