Designs for the TTT Mobile Mango

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Re: Designs for the TTT Mobile Mango

Postby MadMango » Thu Sep 22, 2016 10:57 am

I revisited my schematic, I think I'm happier with this one. Thoughts?

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Re: Designs for the TTT Mobile Mango

Postby MadMango » Thu Sep 22, 2016 7:44 pm

Looks like I'm going to have to shift my tires forward in the design. In my previous models I had the axle 36-inches from the rear of the trailer, hoping I could have made that happen. The way the HF trailer is built, the axle is about dead center of the trailer length. I don't think I can shift the axle that much reward, as the bracket the suspension mounts to looks like it helps hold the two halves together. Oh well, back to the drawing board...
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Re: Designs for the TTT Mobile Mango

Postby flboy » Thu Sep 22, 2016 8:24 pm

MadMango... I got your PM and I am going to try to answer the best I can here. Note the attached hand drawn schematic is bad, I know... I didn't have time to electronically draw. Just post back if I can clarify anything. My comments are below on your schematic: I hope this helps. BTW.. good for you tackling this. It is complicated and confusing depending on your electrical background. :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

1) You should have shore/gen power directly to your power strip. You can move the input of your power strip from the Shore input (just make a shore power outlet) to the inverter output as needed. Just mount the inverter near your shore power outlet. To have just your shore power running your charger is very inefficient as already mentioned by KCStudy for a few reasons. Note.. you can get an auto transfer switch to do that automatically if you plug in… but it is not necessary. I did that in my CTC because I wanted to.
2) You should just get a charger/converter that can run your DC and/or charge your battery when on shore power. Just wire it to the Shore input through a switch. You can turn it on and off as needed. Also note, that it will not hurt anything to have a 12VDC Converter/Charger on at the same time as Solar is charging. It is not efficient, but they will not hurt each other. They both adjust their outputs accordingly. I have done this and it works fine… I cannot speak to what would happen with a " run of the mill battery charger" which is not a DC power supply also like a Converter/Charger for RVs are. I'd put a switch in to turn the converter-charger on/off so it will only be on when there is shore/gen power and the switch is on so it isn't on when not needed.
3) You should put the appropriate sized DC breakers in the system. I noted where I’d put them.. make sure they are sized right once you know what power you will be driving. They will protect your wiring, and also allow you to isolate circuits for troubleshooting.
4) The size inverter you have (1800W) is a good size but I’d be concerned if you intend to use 1800W off grid with the two small batteries you show. It will drain the 35Ah batteries in less than 30 minutes if you are running it near load. 1800W is roughly 144A @ 12.5VDC.. You shouldn’t run much of an inverter on such small batteries.. In fact. If you are going to use that small of a battery, you may not need to 200W of solar… I’d go with at least 115Ah total battery capacity but 230Ah as ideal for 200W solar and good all around capability for most things (that is 2 12VDC Exide type Deep Cycle batteries or 2 Walmart 29DC series you can get for $99.00 each. Think about how much AC power you need off grid and work backwards to size what you need. There are ,many good websites to explain how to size your system. I can recommend , if you state your intended AC power consumption off grid.
5) On your schematic, it appears you are switching a DC ground.. You don’t need to do that. Only switch the 12VDC hot and tie all the grounds together and run to the chassis where you should also ground your battery.
6) Lastly… the schematic I hand drew is bad I know… but make sure to put in a battery disconnect switch. For two reasons… a) to isolate the system from the batteries if you are working on the system. B) you can shut down the system quickly if there is something bad going on and breakers didn’t pop.
This is just my 2 cents… there are a few different ways to get where you want to go.. but what I have drawn is most simple if you want solar and AC power off grid.

Note you could also buy a Power Center that includes AC/DC breakers and combines the converter and etc... It would simplify this schematic greatly. I didn't go that route only because I do not like integrated systems that if one thing goes bad, I need to replace the whole thing.. plus... I am a gadget guy and like to tinker with things.
schematic.JPG (87.88 KiB) Viewed 4226 times
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Re: Designs for the TTT Mobile Mango

Postby MadMango » Fri Sep 23, 2016 5:03 am

Thanks so much for the feedback. Don't worry about the look of your schematic, I can understand it just fine. Your design is much simpler than mine, I'll have to do some thinking. Maybe my two solar panels are overkill as well.

As far a load on the system, all we ever run are just two small 12V 6" fans at night to move air, and a reading light, and recharging cell phones if there is a signal. Extra lighting has always been covered by separate inflatable LED camp lights with their own solar panels. I've run this off a 18Ah battery pack and it works just fine for the weekend, but I wanted the extra overhead so I could recharge our 15" laptop since our son (4) is at the age where he wants constant entertainment if he's not running around outside. Our older kids are all moved out, except for the 18yo high school senior, but he works so much, he doesn't camp with us that often.
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Re: Designs for the TTT Mobile Mango

Postby MadMango » Fri Sep 23, 2016 7:58 am

Here's my changes based on your's and other's feedback.

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Re: Designs for the TTT Mobile Mango

Postby flboy » Fri Sep 23, 2016 8:49 am

Hi MadMango. I looks better except I'd connect all 12vdc connections after the battery disconnect. Connect the inverter and 12vdc panel on the other side of the disconnect. Also, the power strip should be a manual plug that you can just over to the inverter output as needed.

I understand you low DC power needs as stated.. but you did not say what the AC power needs are for. The 1800W inverter seems way too big for 35ah batteries as I mentioned before. If you just need AC power for charging a laptop ... certainly don't need that. What are your AC power needs from the inverter when you are off the grid? The 35ah batteries seem fine for your DC needs as stated... but that inverter size seems odd.

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Re: Designs for the TTT Mobile Mango

Postby MadMango » Fri Sep 23, 2016 9:18 am

The 1800W inverter is just something I have collecting dust, so was trying to use it (same for the second solar panel). We are pretty minimal when we go camping, at least for electrical needs. But sometimes the 20-something kids want to come along, and they use 2 box fans for their separate tents. It's really that simple.

In the galley we're not making margaritas or anything like that, no baking or pizza oven. The most critical item is my wife's coffee maker, and that runs on propane!
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Re: Designs for the TTT Mobile Mango

Postby flboy » Fri Sep 23, 2016 11:24 am

Okay.. so you won't use but a fraction of the capacity. That's fine then but just be aware that pulling near full load on that inverter will tax your small batteries hard and could even hurt them if continuous for any period of time... like drying hair with a 1500 watt blow dryer or cooking with a 900W microwave or anything with a heating element like a coffee maker. Many electric coffee makers will pull 800W or more for extended periods..

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