It's a fine trailer for the money....With sale and coupons I purchased folding trailer for only $208.00
That's less than what 4 trailer tires cost.
COUPLER HT: I believe the coupler ht. was between 16" &' 17", because I'm towing with a Ford Focus Wagon, and the receiver was so low on the car, I had to find a hitch with a 6" rise. Got one at my local RV dealership.
GROUNDING: Well, it was only yesterday that I wired into the Focus and tested all of my wiring efforts, everything worked fine.
I did ground the wiring in several spots, and did NOT count on the ground carrying thru the frame.
For instance, the front marker lights have their own ground, the rear lights have their own ground.
AND...I even ran an extra 'emergency ' ground that is in my back wall hatch. Just incase ...I can tap into that.
WE'LL SEE: after I run it a while, I'll report more
I too am surprised at the difference in Payload on folding vs. non folding. It's not true that the heavy duty is one long length
the frames are identical...they both bolt in the middle, One is hinged, one is not. The heavy duty trailer has the heavy round axle.
I wish I could have gotten that one...because the axle looks weak on the folding trailer....
BUT..then again...the whole thing is pretty light, I can wheel this thing around by hand ...much easier than moving a loaded, I would say the balance is good.