Any 12/14/16 gauge wire may work.. As other mentioned, prime thing is it has some sort of polarity indicator so you are hooking things up with correct polarity.... Whether it is colored (black/red) or has a stripe or writing or rib
on one side (conductor) it does not really matter (the voltage/current is color blind) as long as you are consistent in your wiring practice.. Designating one conduct as positive (one with indicator?) and staying with the concept through whole wiring process and you should be good...
Something to consider also is will wire be exposed or in conduit or duct, it may depend on wire type you get as to what way you intend to install it....
Being economy minded on your build is ok, but don't go to a point where you go to the dark side and get materials that though the are inexpensive that they cause you more problems then if you had just spent a dollar or two more and made life a lot easier for you...
Might also consider where you are sourcing your wire, if you are just looking local (big box store) you may not bet getting best all around product/deal... I personally would also look at places online that specifically deal in wiring products to see if you can get better product and better pricing......
Lives his life vicariously through his own self.
Any statement made by me are strictly my own opinion.
You are free to ignore anything I say if you do not agree.