I'm sorry that this happened to you, Gudmund. I think that if linoleum is put down without taking short cuts, it's probably okay; but I really don't know why it is used. Maybe it's
supposed to be an added chill and moisture barrier?
It might make it easier to clean the floor than if nothing is put down and could make it easier to clean up spills, if you are aware them.
As we know, some RV manufacturers take the quickest and easiest way to do things to make a buck; plus, most of us know the old slogan "Time is Money". With a few exceptions, many RVs today are not expected to last ...oh, I dunno...more than 10 years? without major repairs of some sort being needed. As you have also learned, diligence is very, very important to these units because our enemy, moisture, tends to seep in wherever and whenever it can. I am glad you were able to discover and resolve the problem before your trailer became unusable! It sounds like your diligence is paying off for you. Pat yourself on the back.