More PMF work.
Sometimes I'm like a little kid with no patience. I've been really curious how the canvas would look on the exterior. So I skipped ahead a tad and covered both my cabin doors. I could not be happier with how they came out. All my tedious prep work to the camper body and canvas paid off big time. The canvas went on smooth as glass.
I learned quite a bit while doing this too.
Ironing the canvas was not a waste of time. It is wrinkle free and it helped lay down a lot.
Every lump, defect, or flaw on the surface telegraphs through the canvas as it dries. It must shrink a tad and tighten?
Working with smaller pieces is best. I am going to pre cut each section before I lay it down.
Going to iron the smaller pre cut pieces. Last time I ironed the whole half of the drop cloth I was going to use. Threw out a lot of ironed scrap cutoffs.
Super sharp razors are the best to cut this stuff with.
First pic is before final prep for canvas. I wanted all the frayed threads gone so they would not show through. I ran around the edge of the sheet fabric all the way to first cut the glued threads. Then I came back with the palm sander and some 80 grit and sanded off the frayed threads. I also scuffed up the glued sheet fabric on the edges and window opening. It got a tad fuzzy and was great to hold the next coat of glue.
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With all the threads sanded off I coated 1/2 the door with glue. Paid particular attention to wet the edges and corners. Then I smoothed the canvas on.
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As it dried you could just see the outline of the sheet fabric edge and window opening framing. The inner window opening edge will be hidden when the window goes in. The door edge looks fine to me. I'm happy with it.
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I've also rethought my original plan to saturate all the fabric with a glue/water mix. I think I'm just going to do edges and area's that I want to trim threads with the sander with the glue mix. The rest of the canvas I'm going to saturate with paint.