Teardrop Fiction

Things that don't fit anywhere else...

Postby Arne » Thu Jun 24, 2010 10:33 am

I'm with cowboy... shoe shopping isn't even on my list of things I come near liking.... It is highly overrated by the fairer sex.

So, when one pair gets so ugly my girl friend(s) say "those should never be taken outside the house", I look in my closet for shoes I bought on impulse at one of the outlet stores I've visited.... always being towed in by a woman, btw.

Luckily, I've still got a pair or two hidden the the back some where.

Just above shoe shopping, is clothes shopping... it just isn't a guy thing, which means when I dress, I look kind of eclectic...

It's really pretty simple. Lined jammy-pants and sweatshirts in the winter, and shorts and tee shirts in the summer... I don't get invited to many places... which is normally ok with me.
I hope I never get too old to play (Arne, Sept 11, 2010)
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Postby godskid » Thu Jun 24, 2010 2:05 pm

Oh, more tales please, Mr Tumbleweed_Tex -- I love 'em!!

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Tumbleweed Tex

Postby queeniejeanne » Thu Jun 24, 2010 3:08 pm

I am in love........Sam Elliott already had my heart and this writer guy is amazing! Queenie
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Postby DezPrado » Thu Jun 24, 2010 5:25 pm

Gotta add my fourpence worth from the Antipodes and say, "Well done, Tex!" :thumbsup: Love it!
Not only have these yarns travelled well, they imagine well & some of my (mispent) youth now seems only yesterday again. Thanks!
More strength to your penmanship........ don't stop 8) :applause:
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Tumbleweed Tex

Postby queeniejeanne » Sun Jun 27, 2010 5:49 pm

Been gone the weekend, but seem to be missing any more of the Tex Forays into the past. Believe I have a itie bitty idea of who this fellow is..(even with the likeness of Sam Elliot as Tel Sacket from the tv mini series in the 70's) This fellow is a technical person above all else and writing is his career!
Will I have to choose my own box car and go on by myself from here...I need more than those few stories....Ok the ball is in your court Tex! Another, make it about the bluing from Momma Tex's wash day bottle! I know you did it.........Queenie Jeanne
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Postby hotrod » Sun Jun 27, 2010 5:55 pm

yup! love it!! keep em comin!! :thumbsup:
Some people are like slinkys.. not much good for anything but they still make you smile when you push them down the stairs....
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Postby martha24 » Sun Jun 27, 2010 8:51 pm

parnold wrote:Just want to add that I too am enjoying your cowboy tales!


So am I. They are well written & most enjoyable.
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Martha ;)

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Postby Miriam C. » Sun Jun 27, 2010 9:45 pm

:lol: :thinking: Now why do you suppose so many of us can relate to naughty, pint sized cowboys....

Need a book collection of these... :thumbsup:

Oh yeah and I love chicken gizzards too. :D
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Postby Tumbleweed_Tex » Mon Jun 28, 2010 8:09 am

Just a quick note to say thanks to everyone for the votes of confidence. All this stuff is original, unpublished fiction.


It all started way back in 1939, when some obscure company up in Arkansas called “Daisyâ€
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Postby Tumbleweed_Tex » Mon Jun 28, 2010 8:26 am


I was mendin' fence out by the highway when this car pulled up.
Woman driver.
She opened her mouth and when words came out, I knew.
She wanted to know if I had any idea how to get to...somewhere or the other.
Sure did.
But she started to laugh when I mentioned "far piece" and "down yonder".
Go figure.
So I walked off the shoulder, bent down, and picked her a field daisy.
34 petals.
I told her that's a Fibonacci number, and she told me she had no idea.
Smart cowboy?
So we talked about physiology, and ethics, even novice anatomy.
My favorite.
But after a while, she had to get going, so I wished her goodbye.
Too bad.
Then she said she'd be passin' through this way again real soon, and just might...
Get lost.


Some things happen without reason or logic or means to understand `em.
It's scary.
But the girl had a way of makin' a cowboy feel melted, way down deep.
Just sayin'.
And lately I'm ponderin' how easy I could start feelin' four letter endearments.
And such.
And I'm wonderin', just wonderin'...if maybe, just maybe...she's ponderin' the same.
Like me.

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Postby queeniejeanne » Mon Jun 28, 2010 8:52 am

Good Morning, Tex. Thank You We ALL are loving this attention to detail, causing the memories to stir in most of us (at least those of a certain age), & believing that these stories will not stop. :ok: Queenie Jeanne and Dennis
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Postby Tumbleweed_Tex » Mon Jun 28, 2010 3:18 pm


I've always had a special relationship with Mischief. Ever since I can remember, he has followed me around like a shadow. And I suppose it's no great surprise, looking back, to see that he changed, grew, and matured right along beside me. And somewhere, along about our fifteenth year...Mischief and I discovered females...at exactly the same time.

Cowboys, even those passing through mid-adolescence, are naturally astute at certain aspects of life. In my case, by 1972, Mischief and I had become quite skilled at talking ourselves out of trouble. So it seemed only logical, the first time we saw Becky Sue Abercrombe, we decided to try to talk ourselves INTO something for a change...namely, her heart. (What? This is a family show.)

Becky Sue moved to town in late summer, just in time to register for the coming school year, and cause a few instances of commotion at the local swimming hole. She was a real looker, and at 15 years old, was already built like a brick teardrop trailer. Word was she came from New York, or Baahhhston, or somewhere too exotic to mention. Irregardless, Mischief and I agreed...for a Yankee-gurl, she was finer than a two hundred dollar mare.

Mischief dared me. Never, ever, dare a cowboy.

My father had a brother...Clarence...but everyone called him Puss. Uncle Puss had a huge barn up close by the road, and that long-ago August, I took to hanging around down there...mainly because Becky Sue's folks had purchased the old Pearson farm next door.

One mornin' I spied her coming my way, and by design, busied myself hammerin' loudly on the barn door. I knew she'd stop...ain't a female alive who can pass up a big sign with magical words on it...not even a Yankee-gurl.

"What ARE you doing, cowboy?"
"Hammerin' up this sign for my Uncle Puss."
"Free Chocolat? Chocolate has an "e" on the end of it, silly boy."

(dammit Mischief...I TOLD you we shoulda looked it up)

"I didn't write it...I'm just hammerin' it."
"And what does it mean...where's this free chocolate?"
"In the barn here."
"Can I have some?"

I explained that my Uncle Puss, in his never-ending quest to get rich, and be quick about it, had decided to convert his old moonshine still into a commercial fudge-makin' machine. Since he wasn't quite sure how well the stuff would sell, he figured he'd make a big batch...which he did yesterday...let it age some…and startin' tomorrow, he'd give away free samples.

(That was the first time I'd ever seen lust in a female's eyes, and I was instantly hooked for life.)

"So, is there a chance a girl might get her free sample today?"
"Well...I suppose today WOULD be better than tomorrow...beat the crowd and all...but you'd have to be really brave."
"Yeah...I probably shouldn’t mention it, but Uncle Puss has a guard horse in there..."

Becky Sue laughed nervously, and I, just as Mischief had taught me, kept the most serious of expressions.

"A GUARD horse?"
"Yes Ma’am...meanest old cuss in the county. Ain't good for ridin'...he's too mean. Ain't good for plowin'...he's too mean...bites and kicks and has no regard for human life.â€
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Postby Tumbleweed_Tex » Tue Jun 29, 2010 4:53 pm


Truth be known, the details of Christmas memories rarely include the gifts, or the food, or the decorations. In my case, when I consider the happenstances of my youth, it’s funny how the most recallable yuletide events are those which resulted not in “peace on earthâ€
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Postby Cliffmeister2000 » Tue Jun 29, 2010 6:54 pm

Tex, these are all great! Do you have anything published?
God Bless


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Postby steve smoot » Wed Jun 30, 2010 7:20 am

Steve_Cox wrote:Anyone ever tell you how much you look like Sam Elliot? :lol:

:thumbsup: on the cowboy vignettes

Yea, that's him...I was tryin' to figure out who it looked like... :applause:

Oh, and I love your stories too :thumbsup:
I am not a complete idiot, some parts are missing...
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