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Postby tjx » Tue Sep 06, 2011 7:07 pm

went down to the campground and drove through ... looking pretty nice.

seeing people camping and sitting by their campfires sure made us wanting to stay the night too ...

see everyone on friday, safe travels.
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Postby TLC » Wed Sep 07, 2011 9:13 am

Tina and Jerry:
Sorry to say I won't be able to make it this year. Guess I was being overly optimistic when I thought I'd be there. However, I'm sending my representative (Russ). I don't think I'm going to make CI-CO either. My daily trips for treatment will continue till Oct 12 so I think this whole year is a wash as far as camping goes. I'll be thinking of everyone though, have fun and I'll see everyone next year.
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Postby Bodyman » Wed Sep 07, 2011 11:48 am

Sorry to hear you are not going to make it. I will really miss seeing you.
Sooooo Does that mean a site will be open? If so any last minute takers?
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Postby Woodbutcher » Wed Sep 07, 2011 1:08 pm

Ahh Tom, that sucks. I was looking forward to seeing you again. I am more schooled this year on "Coleman" .We could have done some of those, "who's is bigger stories". It will not be the same without the "Mayor". Take care .
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Postby tjx » Wed Sep 07, 2011 6:32 pm

Well, Since Russ has been doing a good job at filling in for you, what more can I say? Except that we will miss you at both gatherings but totally understand. And it won't be the same but Next Year we will expect more :)

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Postby tjx » Sun Sep 11, 2011 3:48 pm

What a great weekend... :)

Weather co-operated, food was great, campfires & s'mores... :campfire:
great old & new friends :beer:
missed those that couldn't make it :(

Everyone enjoyed it so much it was decided upon to have a TBTR#5
same place, same weekend 2012; so plan on reserving in March 2012

Hope everyone made it home safe & sound, wonderful day for travel. We left
about 3pm and Steve, Joe & Russ were down at the Lock & Dam yet, to their
surprise and luck it was Open House day there
Should have had a nice tour.

Hope to see all at Campinn/Campoutt in a couple weeks!!!!
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Postby Ratfinkster » Sun Sep 11, 2011 6:27 pm

What a GREAT week-end for teardropping. Thanks go to Tina & Jerry for a great job of organizing.

Got home around 4:30 P.M. Long drive, but worth it, can't wait to do it again.

Was great seeing old friends and meeting all the new ones.

Hope to see everyone in 2 weeks at the CICO.

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Postby Woodbutcher » Sun Sep 11, 2011 9:30 pm

A special thanks to Jerry and Tina for all their hard work putting this gathering together. It was great to see everyone and meet some new people. . Buy the end of the day it was like we all knew each other for years. Tom we hope to see you soon. Hope to see ya all at Camp Inn.
The locks were fun to watch. We got there about 15 minutes before the approach to the lock and we stayed about an hour and a half. I left Joe and Russ there and got back to pickup my Teardrop about 3:30. The place was a ghost town!

PS Barb......could I have your Smore recipe? PLeeeeease! :)

I have this one marked down for next year.....
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Postby Bodyman » Mon Sep 12, 2011 7:35 am

Ditto to what others have said. Great weekend!!!
My two hour trip home took four hours. I stopped east of Galena to see my cousin. Had a good visit. Also got to visit with his son who I hadn't seen for years. By the time I left it was a bitch driving west into the sun. Got home a little after seven.
I really didn't want to get up this morning at 5:15 Sleeping in for two hours could become a habit. :)
Will see you in two weeks
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dessert recipe for S'More Cookie Bars

Postby clarkbar46 » Mon Sep 12, 2011 9:36 am

Steve, I saw your post on Tearjerkers for this recipe.

I have already posted the recipe over at Tearjerkers for your use. Remember the most important part is to use parchment paper or DO liner. Otherwise, you will be scraping for a long time.

Glad you enjoyed the decadent dessert.

We enjoyed meeting you and I always like to hear good responses to my cooking.

Till later.

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Postby TLC » Mon Sep 12, 2011 9:41 am

Thanks to everyone who took care of my Bro for me. He thinks alot of you all....so do I. Miss seeing everyone this year but, first things first!! You're a great bunch!
PS Tina, I got an awesome new drink for you to try.
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Postby Bodyman » Mon Sep 12, 2011 10:14 am

No problem Tom. Russ is more fun than you anyway :R ;) Just try hard to make it to CICO we all missed you
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Postby Woodbutcher » Mon Sep 12, 2011 12:44 pm

Thanks Barb! I will go over and get the recipe. That will be a keeper.

Tom, We did the best we could with Russ but you know what he is like. You need to get back to camping soon to try and defend yourself. We only believe about half the things he says about you. But thats just because we know you. Russ gave me one of his cards and that helps explain a lot! Hope you can make CICO. Russ has promised to take me to the Cranberry Festival! You can come to. Being a big shopper it will be perfect for ya!

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Postby tjx » Mon Sep 12, 2011 5:11 pm

I can only imagine what this new drink concoction is :?

I know you said you won't make CICO but I don't know if Russ if ready for Cranfest with Steve yet :roll: You may have to reconsider and come just to protect him.


PS there are pictures of TBTR in our album on Tearjerkers to pull up for yours and everyone else enjoyment.
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Postby TLC » Tue Sep 13, 2011 4:02 pm

Tina and Jerry:
I looked at the pictures on Tearjerkers forum and especially like the group shot with a couple HOT chicks holding that sign. It really tugs at the ol heart strings. You guys are the best!! Thank you all.

Thanks for the key fob. I got a little something for you too. Russ will bring it to CI-CO. I'm not responsible if Russ corrupts you, You seen his award, that wasn't just given to him......he earned it!! :twisted:
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