The new campfire thread...ooooh purrrrty!!!!!!

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Re: The new campfire thread...ooooh purrrrty!!!!!!

Postby Fenlason » Sat Jan 14, 2017 9:30 am

toypusher wrote:29 degrees this morning and might hit mid 30s today. They say we will get an inch or so of light snow then some sleet and then freezing rain later.

So, Glenn, you liked that movie, but it was hard to watch? I have thinking of getting it from redbox.

Not planning much today - just laundry for sure and maybe watch a couple shows we have on DVR. :thinking:

It was just hard knowing that it was based on real life events, and that BP, those directly involved should have been hung out to dry.

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Re: The new campfire thread...ooooh purrrrty!!!!!!

Postby Fenlason » Sat Jan 14, 2017 6:27 pm

We were down below zero this morning.. and our high was maybe 10.. We did have decent sun earlier, so it didn't feel half bad. We did work on the porch some, and we made some headway.

We then headed down to the gym for a weight workout.

It is supposed to be a little warmer tomorrow.. but breezier. I would like to think we could get out for a bike ride. The conditions might be such that we can ride right here from home.

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Re: The new campfire thread...ooooh purrrrty!!!!!!

Postby caseydog » Sat Jan 14, 2017 9:20 pm

In the 40s today, and foggy. They're saying 60s tomorrow, with rain.

I haven't seen Deepwater Horizon, yet. Having lived on the Gulf coast, I knew people who worked on the rigs. The pay was good, and you worked two weeks, and were off two weeks. But, you're out there far from the first responders.

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Re: The new campfire thread...ooooh purrrrty!!!!!!

Postby toypusher » Sun Jan 15, 2017 10:11 am

Good morning! Had freezing rain overnight, but it is sunny and already about 32 degrees.

Seems I am having a relapse with my cold. :( Have to go grocery shopping today and run a couple other errands, but should be a slow day.
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Re: The new campfire thread...ooooh purrrrty!!!!!!

Postby Fenlason » Mon Jan 16, 2017 3:16 pm

We did get a ride in yesterday.. the conditions were dicy.. there was a lot of slick ice.. but the bigger problems was some of the brook crossing and unsafe ice.. or to have a foot and a half drop down to open water. One didn't dare scream around a corner not knowing what was next. I ended up getting 18.6 miles.. Laurie got 9+ She was real nervous with the conditions and after several miles we rode separately.

This morning we were down around zero again and have warmed up into the 20's.. and with some sun it felt comfortable.

I had my first delivery while under new ownership today. Not that anything was different from that perspective. I have another Wednesday. I am still being asked if I can do them.. vs being told I have to.

The delivery was a pain.. as they sometimes are. A heavy treadmill had to go down into the cellar.. through a very narrow [steep] stairway… and the hallway upstairs to the stair way was narrow.. and had a low ceiling. We had an old treadmill to take out first also. Always fun… :roll: 8)

They are a pain… but at least this time of year I don't mind doing them that much.

I did not sleep great last night.. so.. am kind of zzzzzz tired right now. The hard ride Friday.. and yesterday.. is leaving my legs kind of tired.. and the weight workout Saturday.. leaves me maybe not wanting to do a lot. :o

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Re: The new campfire thread...ooooh purrrrty!!!!!!

Postby caseydog » Mon Jan 16, 2017 10:53 pm

It was rainy and cool yesterday, with some weak tornadoes South of DFW. But, it was a good day in Steelers Nation. On to the AFC Championship game. :thumbsup:

Not much else going on. Business is slow, but should pick up over the next few weeks.

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Re: The new campfire thread...ooooh purrrrty!!!!!!

Postby Fenlason » Tue Jan 17, 2017 1:50 pm

We didn't do anything for a workout last night. We chose to sit by the fire out on the porch. :)

I have worked on my porches today. I first worked on the outside porch.. then the inside one.

I made up and placed a wind block under our bench on the ouside porch. There was a maybe 8" or so gap at along the bottom of the bench. I screwed to boards together.. into a right angle. One board to set level on the deck.. the other up right off of that, to cover that gap. I also screwed a pieced onto each end to help support it. It's 8 feet long and will slide in and out as needed.

I then went back to work on our inside porch. I am making good headway out there. It will be nice to get out porch back. Once the inside porch is done, I will be able to get all these tools out to the barn, and the big saw off the outside porch. :D :twisted:

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Re: The new campfire thread...ooooh purrrrty!!!!!!

Postby Fenlason » Wed Jan 18, 2017 6:03 pm

We got some snow last night and today.. maybe 2" to 3"'s I had another delivery at work today. This one went pretty good. Although it was mid day so it sort of messes my day up. I did some errands on the way to work.

Last night's rides hurt. I wasn't feeling all that great, but wanted to get a ride in. Originally I wanted some miles, but I wasn't sure that was going to happen. A 25+ miler came up in my live rides.. so I though I would try it. I didn't really push it, but had a pretty good ride. Laurie came home and got ready for her ride, while I was finishing mine.

I sat a minute to look at my stats for that ride, then thought I would join Laurie on her ride. Then I see she was doing a 21+ miles ride.. :o I wasn't sure I had that still in me… but I thought I would try. I figured I could just take it easy and stay with her.. except she was already quite a ways ahead of me. :o She had been riding a few minutes, and had accidentally joined the ride behind the last rider.. instead of at the start. [which shave a mile or 2 off].. well I worked and worked to catch her.. and then there was another to catch.. and then another… so I kept chasing. There was one last one out there.. I would try.. and he would try to stay away.. and he ended up remaining a couple of minutes ahead of me. I would get to a point and decided I didn't want to catch him that bad, and back off.. so then of course he backed off.. well we did that a few times.. and then I finally said F it… and put the chase on. I did catch him.. but then I had to stay away.. he stayed quite close for a bit.. but I finally pulled away a little. It did make for a hard finish to 46-47 mile ride. :o

I was hoping to ride tonight… but then I figured a night off would ultimately do me more good. I did do an upper body weight workout. I have fairly regularly started doing that again.. and getting some strength back. :D

Laurie is out with her group snowshoing.. although I don't know who is with her.. the numbers have been down this year.

I guess I will head out to the porch and make a fire for when they get back.

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Re: The new campfire thread...ooooh purrrrty!!!!!!

Postby toypusher » Fri Jan 20, 2017 8:31 am

Morning! Expecting rain today and high maybe 44 or so. I have not been feel too good the last couple days, but seems some better today. Still have a cough that does not seem to want to go away! :(
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Re: The new campfire thread...ooooh purrrrty!!!!!!

Postby Fenlason » Fri Jan 20, 2017 10:38 am

The night before last we got another 3" of snow [that I wasn't expecting] We have been warmish.. above freezing yesterday.. and will be again today. They are saying we should get some sun.. but it is pretty cloudy right now.

I got some porch work done yesterday.. some outside.. some inside. I might be mostly done on both. Inside I need to do some caulking and I will probably stain or paint.. although obviously I can't right now.

I can work on moving some stuff out to the barn… but otherwise.. hmm plastering??

I was pretty tired yesterday.. perhaps dehydrated?? I did a ride earlier… and was going to skip the evening ride.. but forced myself to go downstairs and ride with Laurie. I let her choose the course. It was an easier 18+ miler. It was a live ride.. so there were others in it. [at least 19] I was just going to ride at Laurie's pace.. but… :roll: :oops:

Once warmed up I felt pretty good.. and there were these riders right there. I did draft a bit.. I would sit on someone's wheel [ghosts] sit a bit.. then hmm there is someone else just a few seconds ahead of us.. so I would bridge up to them.. I did this for quite a while. I was with a group.. cranking along and around 25mph. I had been there a while, but there was another 30+ seconds ahead.. going our speed.. or a little faster. That's a fairly big gap to make.. at that speed. I did go for it, and it took a little bit of time.. but I made it. I sat there a while.. there was only 1 more person ahead of us left.. and he was several minutes away.

I had decided to maybe at 3 miles to go.. to go out alone and for a strong finish.. then I thought maybe at 4 miles.. I ended up going for it at hmm I think it was with 7.6 to go. It was a flattish course.. but there were a couple of hills.. at 7.6 was the last of the "bigger" ones.

I am not sure what's up for today. I was awake for a bit.. but then fell back asleep.. getting up late.

We have dinner out tonight with our munchies group… and Laurie wants to head down to Augusta earlier. Hmm I was thinking of doing a ride before lunch.. and it's almost 11:00 now. :o

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Re: The new campfire thread...ooooh purrrrty!!!!!!

Postby caseydog » Fri Jan 20, 2017 7:52 pm

Sunny and 78-degrees at the doghouse today. :D

I took psycho-poodle for a walk, washed the MINI, and did a little touch-up work in the garden.

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Re: The new campfire thread...ooooh purrrrty!!!!!!

Postby Fenlason » Sat Jan 21, 2017 10:37 am

We look like we are at around 32 degrees.. [which is warm] but it's quite cloudy. I woke around 1:30… which is becoming a new time. The tv was on.. and.. some weird show.. which started to feel semi familiar. My thought it was it had a Gilligan's Island feel.. but it was two astronauts that had traveled back in time.. to Cave man time.

I was not totally coherent while watching it.. and it sort of felt like a dream this morning. I did finally find it.. and find it was done by the same people that did Gilligan's Island.

After being awake for a little.. I did go back to sleep.. and slept in big time. It was after 8:00 when I got up. :? I am glad to have gotten the sleep.. but man that leaves me kind of messed up all day.

I did get a ride in yesterday morning. A good one.. again not as easy as I had planned.

Laurie got out of work early. So we headed to Augusta early.. she had some shopping to do for tomorrow's baby shower. [her niece ] stopped a few other places.. then swung by our sister shop in Farmingdale.

I am not sure what's up for today… It's too warm for a trail ride. I have wondered about a road ride… or to just stay inside. Some porch work would be good. I think we are ready to put our day bed back out there.. after some clean up.

Forget not that the earth delights to feel your bare feet and the winds long to play with your hair.
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Re: The new campfire thread...ooooh purrrrty!!!!!!

Postby toypusher » Sun Jan 22, 2017 10:50 am

Getting tired of all the gloom. It has been 32 days since we have had a mostly sunny day. :(

Having a cold that doesn't seem to want to go away and the weather together are really getting me down. And tomorrow we are to have lots of rain and high winds.
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Re: The new campfire thread...ooooh purrrrty!!!!!!

Postby Fenlason » Sun Jan 22, 2017 11:25 am

Kerry I hope you feel better soon… and get some sun soon.

We have been better than you sun wise.. but have still been pretty deficient.

I have been tired and kind of blah also. No sleep.. not enough water.. hmm not much sun..

We have done more on the porch. We have our bed back out there. We have also taken care of a lot of stuff. All my power tools are upstairs in the barn on the new shelfs we built last fall.

Laurie has the baby shower to go to [shortly] A neighbor is having a birthday party.. and I will probably head up to that. I am not so excited to head up without Laurie… but I should.

I sort of wanted to do some good bkool rides today.. but I might take another day off. :roll:

Forget not that the earth delights to feel your bare feet and the winds long to play with your hair.
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Re: The new campfire thread...ooooh purrrrty!!!!!!

Postby toypusher » Mon Jan 23, 2017 9:53 am

Thanks Glenn - I'm doing a little better. We have rain and high winds today. At 6 the winds were 18 mph and gusting in the low to mid 30s. It has gotten worse since then. They say the worst rain and winds will be between noon and 4 pm today.
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