Scotty sportsman

Canned Hams of all types and sizes...and Bread Boxes to go with that ham......

Scotty sportsman

Postby Hillmann » Fri Aug 10, 2012 11:20 am

I picked up a camper about a month ago now. It is a from somewhere between 1958 and 1962 scotty sportsman.


I paid $8 for it(that is what I had in my pocket at the time I talked to the owner of it) and she and I both agreed that I over paid for it. The neighbors were betting it wouldn't make it the 1/2 a block trip from her house to where I work. The passenger side was falling off and dragging on the ground. I had planned to tear the camper off the trailer, get my $8 back by scrapping out the aluminum and then building a camper on the frame. After sat in my yard for a couple hours I went and looked at how to put the side back on so I could get it home. A few screws and it was held together enough to get it home if I went slow. Once I got home I looked at it a little bit more and figured I could tack the trim back in place and put some silicone at the joints I might be able to salvage it. I ended up putting some door skins on the ceiling inside to cover up the rot put some carpet on the floor for the same reason and built a bed in the back out of some doors and a mattress topper.

Since then I have been camping in it 3 times, once with 6 people sleeping in it, and towed it close to 800 miles so far. I cut a hole in the side and built a door so I can mount a laser engraver in it so I can take it to craftshows and do on the spot engraving.

I now think I may try and sell it and use the money to build another one. The reasons I want to sell it are,it's too heavy, it weighs 1200# empty and by the time I get the laser and tools in it close to 1800#. Which is fine if I only used it as a camper and only towed it a few thousand miles a year but when I am going to craft shows I travel closer to 400 miles a week and that is just too much wear and tear on my subaru towing a trailer that heavy especially in the hills. The other reason I want to build my own is it is very hard to get the laser into the camper it takes 2 hours to get it into the camper and two hours to get it back out. If I built a camper I would make it like a toy hauler so I can roll it in, bolt it down and be on my way in 10-20 minutes.
Teardrop Master
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